Package: colorSpec 1.7-0

colorSpec: Color Calculations with Emphasis on Spectral Data

Calculate with spectral properties of light sources, materials, cameras, eyes, and scanners. Build complex systems from simpler parts using a spectral product algebra. For light sources, compute CCT, CRI, SSI, and IES TM-30 reports. For object colors, compute optimal colors and Logvinenko coordinates. Work with the standard CIE illuminants and color matching functions, and read spectra from text files, including CGATS files. Estimate a spectrum from its response. A user guide and 9 vignettes are included.

Authors:Glenn Davis [aut, cre]

colorSpec.pdf |colorSpec.html
colorSpec/json (API)

# Install 'colorSpec' in R:
install.packages('colorSpec', repos = c('', ''))
  • A.1nm - Standard Illuminants A, B, and C
  • ACES.RGB - Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGB
  • Adobe.RGB - Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGB
  • B.5nm - Standard Illuminants A, B, and C
  • BT.709.RGB - Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGB
  • C.5nm - Standard Illuminants A, B, and C
  • D50.5nm - Standard Illuminant D50
  • D65.1nm - Standard Illuminant D65
  • D65.5nm - Standard Illuminant D65
  • F96T12 - Photon Irradiance of F96T12 Fluorescent Bulb
  • Flea2.RGB - Flea2 Camera FL2-14S3C from Point Grey
  • Fs.5nm - Standard series F Illuminants F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, and F12
  • HigherPasserines - Cone Fundamentals for the Higher Passerines
  • Hoya - Standard Hoya filters
  • atmosphere2003 - Standard Solar Irradiance - Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial
  • daylight1964 - Standard Daylight Components
  • daylight2013 - Standard Daylight Components
  • lms1971.5nm - Cone Fundamentals - 2-degree
  • lms2000.1nm - Cone Fundamentals - 2-degree
  • luminsivity.1nm - Luminous Efficiency Functions
  • scanner.ACES - Standard RGB scanners
  • solar.irradiance - Standard Solar Irradiance - Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial
  • xyz1931.1nm - CIE Color Matching Functions - 2-degree
  • xyz1931.5nm - CIE Color Matching Functions - 2-degree
  • xyz1964.1nm - CIE Color Matching Functions - 10-degree
  • xyz1964.5nm - CIE Color Matching Functions - 10-degree



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

6.24 score 2 stars 4 packages 73 scripts 638 downloads 85 exports 1 dependencies

Last updated 22 days agofrom:5a789a5242. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 12 2025<-illuminantEinsideOptimalColorsinsideSchrodingerColorsinterpolateinvertis.actinometricis.colorSpecis.radiometricis.regularlensAbsorbancelinearizemean.colorSpecmetadatametadata<-multiplyneutralMaterialnormalizenumSpectranumWavelengthsofficialXYZorganizationorganization<-photometricplanckSpectraplot.colorSpecplot.TM30plotOptimals2DplotOptimals3Dprint.colorSpecprint.TM30probeOptimalColorsproductptransformquantityquantity<-radiometricreadCGATSreadSpectrareadSpectraCGATSreadSpectraControlreadSpectraSpreadsheetreadSpectraXYYreadSpectrumScoperectangularMaterialresampleresponsivityMetricsRGBfromXYZsectionOptimalColorssectionSchrodingerColorsspecnamesspecnames<-step.wlsubset.colorSpecsummary.colorSpectypewavelengthwavelength<-


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colorSpec User Guide

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Last update: 2022-05-04
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Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Package colorSpec - Color Calculations with Emphasis on Spectral DatacolorSpec-package
Standard Illuminants A, B, and C (1931)A.1nm ABC B.5nm C.5nm
convert a colorSpec object to be actinometricactinometric actinometric.colorSpec is.actinometric is.actinometric.colorSpec
Compute ANSI/IES TM-30 data, and Create Color Rendition ReportscomputeTM30 computeTM30.colorSpec plot.TM30 print.TM30
apply a function to each spectrum in a colorSpec objectapplyspec applyspec.colorSpec
Convert a colorSpec Object to a
atmospheric transmittance along a horizontal pathatmosTransmittance
Compute Band-based Material Spectra, and Bands for Existing Material SpectrabandMaterial bandRepresentation bandRepresentation.colorSpec
Combine colorSpec Objectsbind bind.colorSpec
make a linear modification to a colorSpec respondercalibrate calibrate.colorSpec
compute the Canonical Optimal ColorscanonicalOptimalColors canonicalOptimalColors.colorSpec
chop spectra into low and high partschop chop.colorSpec
constructing and testing colorSpec Objectsas.colorSpec as.colorSpec.default colorSpec is.colorSpec
compute ADL coordinates by ray tracingcomputeADL computeADL.colorSpec
Compute Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) of Light SpectracomputeCCT computeCCT.colorSpec
Compute Color Rendering Index (CRI) of Light SpectracomputeCRI computeCRI.colorSpec computeCRIdata computeCRIdata.colorSpec
Compute the Spectrum Similarity Index of light spectracomputeSSI computeSSI.colorSpec
Convolve each spectrum in a colorSpec object with a kernelconvolvewith convolvewith.colorSpec
Extract the Core Data of a colorSpec Objectas.matrix.colorSpec coredata coredata.colorSpec
Functions to set and retrieve colorSpec package optionscs.options
Standard Illuminant D50 (1964)D50 D50.5nm
Standard Illuminant D65 (1964)D65 D65.1nm D65.5nm
Standard Daylight Componentsdaylight daylight1964 daylight2013
Compute Display RGB from Linear RGBDisplayRGBfromLinearRGB
modify a colorSpec responder to emulate (approximate) another responderemulate emulate.colorSpec
extradata of a colorSpec objectextradata extradata.colorSpec extradata<- extradata<-.colorSpec
Photon Irradiance of F96T12 Fluorescent BulbF96T12
Flea2 Camera FL2-14S3C from Point GreyFlea2 Flea2.RGB
Standard series F Illuminants F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, and F12Fluorescents Fs.5nm
Cone Fundamentals for the Higher PasserinesHigherPasserines
standard Hoya filtersHoya
test whether points are inside the surface of _optimal colors_insideOptimalColors insideOptimalColors.colorSpec
test whether points are inside the surface of Schrödinger colorsinsideSchrodingerColors insideSchrodingerColors.colorSpec
interpolate spectrainterpolate interpolate.colorSpec
estimate spectra from responses, effectively inverting the operator from spectrum to responseinvert invert.colorSpec
compute standard light responsivity spectraerythemalSpectrum lightResponsivitySpectra
compute standard light spectradaylightSpectra illuminantE lightSpectra planckSpectra
linearize a colorSpec object - to make it ready for colorimetric calculationslinearize linearize.colorSpec
Cone Fundamentals - 2-degree (1971)lms1971 lms1971.5nm
Cone Fundamentals - 2-degree (2000)lms2000 lms2000.1nm
Logging in colorSpec packagelogging
Luminous Efficiency Functions (photopic and scotopic)luminsivity luminsivity.1nm
compute standard material spectralensAbsorbance materialSpectra neutralMaterial rectangularMaterial
calculate mean of multiple spectramean mean.colorSpec
metadata of a colorSpec objectmetadata metadata.colorSpec metadata<- metadata<-.colorSpec
multiply a colorSpec object by scalar, vector, or matrixmultiply multiply.colorSpec normalize normalize.colorSpec
Query the Official XYZ values for Standard IlluminantsofficialXYZ
organization of a colorSpec objectorganization organization.colorSpec organization<- organization<-.colorSpec
convert illuminant spectra to photometric unitsphotometric photometric.colorSpec
plot spectraplot.colorSpec
Plot Optimal ColorsplotOptimals2D plotOptimals2D.colorSpec plotOptimals3D plotOptimals3D.colorSpec
Convert colorSpec object to readable textprint.colorSpec summary.colorSpec
compute optimal colors by ray tracingprobeOptimalColors probeOptimalColors.colorSpec
Compute the product of colorSpec objectsproduct product.colorSpec
make a linear transformation to a colorSpec responderptransform ptransform.colorSpec
quantity of a colorSpec objectquantity quantity.colorSpec quantity<- quantity<-.colorSpec type type.colorSpec
convert a colorSpec object from actinometric to radiometricis.radiometric is.radiometric.colorSpec radiometric radiometric.colorSpec
read tables from files in ANSI/CGATS.17 formatreadCGATS
read colorSpec objects from filesreadAllSpectra readSpectra readSpectraCGATS readSpectraControl readSpectraSpreadsheet readSpectraXYY readSpectrumScope
resample a colorSpec Object to new wavelengthsresample resample.colorSpec
Compute Metrics for a Light Responder (e.g. a camera) or a Material Responder (e.g. a scanner)responsivityMetrics responsivityMetrics.colorSpec
standard RGB scannersscanner.ACES
compute sections of an optimal color surface by hyperplanessectionOptimalColors sectionOptimalColors.colorSpec
compute sections of a Schrodinger color surface by hyperplanessectionSchrodingerColors sectionSchrodingerColors.colorSpec
Standard Solar Irradiance - Extraterrestrial and Terrestrialatmosphere2003 solar.irradiance
specnames of a colorSpec objectnumSpectra numSpectra.colorSpec specnames specnames.colorSpec specnames<- specnames<-.colorSpec
Convert from XYZ to some standard RGB spacesRGBfromXYZ
extract a subset of a colorSpec Objectsubset subset.colorSpec
Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGBACES.RGB Adobe.RGB BT.709.RGB theoreticalRGB
wavelength vector of a colorSpec objectis.regular is.regular.colorSpec numWavelengths numWavelengths.colorSpec step.wl step.wl.colorSpec wavelength wavelength.colorSpec wavelength<- wavelength<-.colorSpec
CIE Color Matching Functions - 2-degree (1931)xyz1931 xyz1931.1nm xyz1931.5nm
CIE Color Matching Functions - 10-degree (1964)xyz1964 xyz1964.1nm xyz1964.5nm