1. colorscience::CentralsISCCNBS
    Central notations for the revised ISCC-NBS
  2. colorscience::ChromaticAdaptation
    Chromatic adaptation algorithms
  3. colorscience::DeMarcoPokornySmith2degConeFundamentals1992
    DeMarco, Pokorny & Smith (1992) versions of the Smith-Pokorny 2-deg fundamentals
  4. colorscience::ISObrightnessReflectometerRSD
    Weighting factors for the calculation of ISO brightness
  5. colorscience::MaterialReferenceData
    Material Reference Data from Principles of Digital Image Synthesis
    matrix|81 x 65
  6. colorscience::MaxChromaFromExtrapRenotationData
    Table with maximum chroma for which extrapolated renotation data is available
  7. colorscience::MaxChromasForStandardMunsellHuesAndValues
    Table with maximum Munsell chroma, for a given Munsell hue and value, for which an extrapolated renotation value is available
  8. colorscience::Munsell100hues55
    Chromaticity diagram showing values for x and y for Illuminant A for 100 hues at 5/5
  9. colorscience::Munsell100hues55FM100
    Munsell 100-Hues at 5/5, production numbers 101 to 200 and Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue test
  10. colorscience::MunsellHues
    Table with Munsell Hues
  11. colorscience::MunsellNeutrals2sRGB
    Table with Munsell Neutrals and corresponding sRGB
  12. colorscience::MunsellSpectral
    Table with Munsell spectral data
  13. colorscience::SmithPokorny2degConeFundamentals1975
    Smith & Pokorny (1975) 2-deg cone fundamentals
  14. colorscience::StockmanMacLeodJohnson10degConeFundamentals1993
    Stockman & Sharpe (2000) 10-deg cone fundamentals
  15. colorscience::StockmanMacLeodJohnson2degCIEadjConeFundamentals1993
    Stockman, MacLeod & Johnson (1993) 2-deg cone fundamentals
  16. colorscience::StockmanMacLeodJohnson2degStilesBurchConeFundamentals1993
    Stockman, MacLeod & Johnson (1993) 2-deg fundamentals
  17. colorscience::StockmanSharpe10degCMFS2000
    Stockman & Sharpe (2000) 10-deg cone fundamentals
  18. colorscience::StockmanSharpe2degCMFadj2000
    Stockman & Sharpe (2000) 2-deg cone fundamentals
  19. colorscience::SystemISCCNBS
    ISCC-NBS System
  20. colorscience::TCSdata
    The spectral reflectance data of 14 color test samples for CRI
  21. colorscience::VosEstevezWalraven2degConeFundamentals1990
    Vos, Estévez & Walraven (1990) 2-deg cone fundamentals
  22. colorscience::VosWalraven2degConeFundamentals1971
    Vos & Walraven(1971) 2-deg cone fundamentals
  23. colorscience::XYZperfectreflectingdiffuser
    Perfect reflecting diffuser data
  24. colorscience::cccie31
    CIE (1931) 2-deg chromaticity coordinates
  25. colorscience::cccie64
    CIE (1964) 10-deg chromaticity coordinates
  26. colorscience::ciexyz31
    CIE 1931 2-deg, XYZ CMFs
  27. colorscience::ciexyz64
    CIE 1964 10-deg, XYZ CMFs
  28. colorscience::conversionIlluminance
    Conversion Factors for Units of Illuminance
  29. colorscience::conversionLuminance
    Conversion Factors for Units of Luminance
  30. colorscience::daylightcomponents
    daylight components
  31. colorscience::huedegreemunsell
    Table with Munsell hue degrees
  32. colorscience::illuminantA
    Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminant A at 1 nm interval
  33. colorscience::illuminantD65
    Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminant D65 at 1 nm interval
  34. colorscience::illuminants
    Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminants at 5 nm interval
  35. colorscience::tristimulusMunsell
    434 Munsell colors with tristimulus and CMFs for a few illuminants
  36. colorscience::whitepointsRGB
    Primaries for RGB color spaces
  37. colorscience::whitepointsilluminants
    White points of standard illuminants
  38. colorSpec::A.1nm
    Standard Illuminants A, B, and C (1931)
  39. colorSpec::ACES.RGB
    Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGB
    colorSpec|471 x 3
  40. colorSpec::Adobe.RGB
    Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGB
    colorSpec|471 x 3
  41. colorSpec::B.5nm
    Standard Illuminants A, B, and C (1931)
  42. colorSpec::BT.709.RGB
    Theoretical RGB Cameras - BT.709.RGB, Adobe.RGB, and ACES.RGB
    colorSpec|471 x 3
  43. colorSpec::C.5nm
    Standard Illuminants A, B, and C (1931)
  44. colorSpec::D50.5nm
    Standard Illuminant D50 (1964)
  45. colorSpec::D65.1nm
    Standard Illuminant D65 (1964)
  46. colorSpec::D65.5nm
    Standard Illuminant D65 (1964)
  47. colorSpec::F96T12
    Photon Irradiance of F96T12 Fluorescent Bulb
  48. colorSpec::Flea2.RGB
    Flea2 Camera FL2-14S3C from Point Grey
    colorSpec|45 x 3
  49. colorSpec::Fs.5nm
    Standard series F Illuminants F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, and F12
    colorSpec|81 x 12
  50. colorSpec::HigherPasserines
    Cone Fundamentals for the Higher Passerines
    colorSpec|401 x 4
  51. colorSpec::Hoya
    standard Hoya filters
  52. colorSpec::atmosphere2003
    Standard Solar Irradiance - Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial
  53. colorSpec::daylight1964
    Standard Daylight Components
    colorSpec|107 x 3
  54. colorSpec::daylight2013
    Standard Daylight Components
    colorSpec|531 x 3
  55. colorSpec::lms1971.5nm
    Cone Fundamentals - 2-degree (1971)
    colorSpec|81 x 3
  56. colorSpec::lms2000.1nm
    Cone Fundamentals - 2-degree (2000)
    colorSpec|441 x 3
  57. colorSpec::luminsivity.1nm
    Luminous Efficiency Functions (photopic and scotopic)
  58. colorSpec::scanner.ACES
    standard RGB scanners
    colorSpec|181 x 3
  59. colorSpec::solar.irradiance
    Standard Solar Irradiance - Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial
    colorSpec|721 x 3
  60. colorSpec::xyz1931.1nm
    CIE Color Matching Functions - 2-degree (1931)
    colorSpec|471 x 3
  61. colorSpec::xyz1931.5nm
    CIE Color Matching Functions - 2-degree (1931)
    colorSpec|81 x 3
  62. colorSpec::xyz1964.1nm
    CIE Color Matching Functions - 10-degree (1964)
    colorSpec|471 x 3
  63. colorSpec::xyz1964.5nm
    CIE Color Matching Functions - 10-degree (1964)
    colorSpec|81 x 3
  64. munsellinterpol::CentroidsISCCNBS
    Centroid Notations for the Revised ISCC-NBS Color-Name Blocks
  65. munsellinterpol::Munsell2xy
    The Munsell HVC to xy 3D Lookup Table
  66. spacesXYZ::PrecisionLocus
    Planckian Loci - stored as Lookup Tables
  67. spacesXYZ::RobertsonLocus
    Planckian Loci - stored as Lookup Tables
  68. zonohedra::classics.genlist
    zonohedra generators useful for testing and plotting
  69. zonohedra::colorimetry.genlist
    zonohedra generators useful for testing and plotting