Package: colorscience 1.0.9

colorscience: Color Science Methods and Data

Methods and data for color science - color conversions by observer, illuminant, and gamma. Color matching functions and chromaticity diagrams. Color indices, color differences, and spectral data conversion/analysis. This package is deprecated and will someday be removed; for reasons and details please see the README file.

Authors:Jose Gama [aut], Glenn Davis [aut, cre]

colorscience.pdf |colorscience.html
colorscience/json (API)

# Install 'colorscience' in R:
install.packages('colorscience', repos = c('', ''))


This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

3.93 score 4 stars 214 scripts 747 downloads 2 mentions 151 exports 67 dependencies

Last updated 10 months agofrom:47ecb496b4. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 26 2025
R-4.5-winOKJan 26 2025
R-4.5-macOKJan 26 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKJan 26 2025
R-4.4-winOKJan 26 2025
R-4.4-macOKJan 26 2025
R-4.3-winOKJan 26 2025
R-4.3-macOKJan 26 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
ASTM D 1925 Yellowness Index for PlasticsASTM.D1925.YellownessIndex
ASTM E313 WhitenessASTM.E313.Whiteness
ASTM E313 YellownessASTM.E313.YellownessIndex
Berger (59) WhitenessBerger59.Whiteness
convert from BVR coordinates to XYZ temperature (Robertson)BVR2XYZ
CIE (1931) 2-deg chromaticity coordinatescccie31
CIE (1964) 10-deg chromaticity coordinatescccie64
Central notations for the revised ISCC-NBSCentralsISCCNBS
Check that the color block number is correctCheckColorLookup
Chromatic adaptation algorithmsChromaticAdaptation
Plot the chromaticity diagramchromaticity.diagram
Plot the chromaticity diagram line with colorchromaticity.diagram.color chromaticity.diagram.color.fill
CIE WhitenessCIE.Whiteness
Convert CIE 1931 xy color space to CIE 1960 uv color spaceCIE1931xy2CIE1960uv
Convert CIE 1931 xy color space to CIE 1976 uv color spaceCIE1931xy2CIE1976uv
Convert CIE 1931 XYZ color space to CIE 1931 xyz color spaceCIE1931XYZ2CIE1931xyz
Convert CIE 1931 XYZ color space to CIE 1960 uv color spaceCIE1931XYZ2CIE1960uv
Convert CIE 1931 XYZ color space to CIE 1976 uv color spaceCIE1931XYZ2CIE1976uv
Convert CIE 1960 UCS color space to CIE 1964 color spaceCIE1960UCS2CIE1964
Convert CIE 1960 UCS color space to 1960 xy color spaceCIE1960UCS2xy
CIE 1976 chroma formula for CIELab and CIELuvCIE1976chroma
CIE 1976 hue angle formula for CIELab and CIELuvCIE1976hueangle
CIE-1976 u'v' to CIE-1931 xyCIE1976uv2CIE1931xy
CIE-1976 u'v' to CIE-1960 uvCIE1976uv2CIE1960uv
CIE 1976 uv SaturationCIE1976uvSaturation
Conversion from CIELAB color space to DIN99 coordinatesCIELabtoDIN99
approximated NCS blackness s by the CIE luminance factor YCIEluminanceY2NCSblackness
Tint indices: CIE Tint and ASTM E313 TintCIETint
CIE 1931 2-deg, XYZ CMFsciexyz31
CIE 1964 10-deg, XYZ CMFsciexyz64
Convert CMY coordinates to CMYKCMY2CMYK
Convert CMYK coordinates to RGBCMY2RGB
Convert CMYK coordinates to CMYCMYK2CMY
Get HVC, ISCC-NBS Number and ISCC-NBS Name from Munsell notationColorBlockFromMunsell
compuphase Difference RGBcompuphaseDifferenceRGB
Conversion Factors for Units of IlluminanceconversionIlluminance
Conversion Factors for Units of LuminanceconversionLuminance
table of isotemperature lines for use with the Robertson MethodcreateIsoTempLinesTable
daylight componentsdaylightcomponents
Delta E (CIE 1976)deltaE1976
Delta E (CIE 1994)deltaE1994
Delta E (CIE 2000)deltaE2000
Delta E CMCdeltaECMC
DeMarco, Pokorny & Smith (1992) versions of the Smith-Pokorny 2-deg fundamentalsDeMarcoPokornySmith2degConeFundamentals1992
CIE WhitenessDIN6167.YellownessIndex
Conversion from DIN99 coordinates to CIELAB color spaceDIN99toCIELab
converts between spherical and cartesian coordinates for DKLdkl2dklCart dklCart2dkl
convert RGB to DKLdkl2rgb dklCart2rgb
Converts xyY coordinates to wavelengthDominantWavelength
emittance of a black body of temperature T at a given wavelengthemittanceblackbodyPlanck
converts foot candle to candela steradian / square meterfootcandle2candela.steradian.sqmeter
convert foot candle to Lumens/luxfootcandle2lux
converts foot candle to watts / square centimeterfootcandle2watt.sqcentimeter
Ganz and Grieser TintGanzGrieser.Tint
Ganz and Grieser WhitenessGanzGrieser.Whiteness
Approximations from wavelengths to RGBheuristic.wlnm2RGB
Convert HSL coordinates to RGBHSL2RGB
Convert HSV coordinates to RGBHSV2RGB
Convert Hue to RGBHue.2.RGB
convert Munsell hue to degreehuedegree
Table with Munsell hue degreeshuedegreemunsell
Hunter 60 Whiteness IndexHunter60.WhitenessIndex
Convert HunterLab coordinates to XYZHunterLab2XYZ
Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminant A at 1 nm intervalilluminantA
Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminant D65 at 1 nm intervalilluminantD65
Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminants at 5 nm intervalilluminants
Weighting factors for the calculation of ISO brightnessISObrightnessReflectometerRSD
Blackbody radiator color temperature to CIE 1931 x,y chromaticity approximation functionkelvin2xy
Convert CIE Lab coordinates to LCHabLab2LCHab
Convert CIE Lab coordinates to CIE LuvLAB2LUV
Convert CIE Lab coordinates to XYZLab2XYZ
Convert LCHab coordinates to CIE LabLCHab2Lab
Convert LCHuv coordinates to CIE LuvLCHuv2Luv
Convert LEF coordinates to RGBLEF2RGB
Convert LMS coordinates to DKLLMS2DKL
Convert LMS coordinates to RGBLMS2RGB
Convert LMS coordinates to XYZLMS2XYZ
Convert LSLM coordinates to RGBLSLM2RGB
Convert CIE Luv coordinates to CIE LabLUV2LAB
Convert CIE Luv coordinates to LCHuvLuv2LCHuv
Convert CIE Luv coordinates to XYZLuv2XYZ
Convert CIE Luv coordinates to YuvLuv2Yuv
Generate a Chromatic Adaptation matrixmakeChromaticAdaptationMatrix
Material Reference Data from Principles of Digital Image SynthesisMaterialReferenceData
Table with maximum chroma for which extrapolated renotation data is availableMaxChromaFromExtrapRenotationData
Table with maximum Munsell chroma, for a given Munsell hue and value, for which an extrapolated renotation value is availableMaxChromasForStandardMunsellHuesAndValues
Plot the Maxwell triangleMaxwell.triangle Maxwell.triangle.color Maxwell.triangle.color.fill
Chromaticity diagram showing values for x and y for Illuminant A for 100 hues at 5/5Munsell100hues55
Munsell 100-Hues at 5/5, production numbers 101 to 200 and Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue testMunsell100hues55FM100
Table with Munsell HuesMunsellHues
Table with Munsell Neutrals and corresponding sRGBMunsellNeutrals2sRGB
convert Munsell notation to numeric HVCMunsellSpecToHVC
Table with Munsell spectral dataMunsellSpectral
Munsell value V to relative luminance YMunsellV2relativeLuminanceY
Munsell value to CIE XYZ "Y"MunsellV2Y
Nickerson Color DifferenceNickersonColorDifference
Convert PhotoYCC to RGBPhotoYCC2RGB
Preucil AnglePreucilAngle
Preucil Percentage of GreynessPreucilPercentGreyness
Preucil Percentage of GreynessPreucilPercentHueError
Convert sRGB coordinates to CMYRGB2CMY
convert RGB to DKLrgb2dklCart rgb2dklV
Convert RGB coordinates to HSLRGB2HSL
Convert RGB coordinates to HSVRGB2HSV
Convert sRGB coordinates to hueRGB2hue
Convert RGB coordinates to LEFRGB2LEF
Convert RGB coordinates to LMSRGB2LMS
Convert RGB coordinates to LSLMRGB2LSLM
Convert RGB coordinates to PhotoYCCRGB2PhotoYCC
Convert sRGB coordinates to XYZRGB2XYZ
Convert RGB coordinates to YCbCrRGB2YCbCr
Convert RGB coordinates to YIQRGB2YIQ
Convert RGB coordinates to YPbPrRGB2YPbPr
Convert RGB coordinates to YUVRGB2YUV
convert from three filter measurements (reflectance factors) to XYZRxRyRz2XYZ
saturation CIECAM 2002saturationCIECAM02
CIELAB saturation (Eva Lubbe)saturationCIELABEvaLubbe
CIELUV/CIELAB saturationsaturationCIELAB saturationCIELUV
Smith & Pokorny (1975) 2-deg cone fundamentalsSmithPokorny2degConeFundamentals1975
Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) from spectraspectra2CCT
CRI, GAI and FSCI from spectraspectra2CRIGAIFSCI
Diffuse blue reflectance factor (ISO brightness)spectra2ISObrightness
Illuminance (Lux) from spectraspectra2lux
convert spectral data to tristimulus valuesspectra2XYZ
Interpolates an n by w matrix of spectra, spraguesprague
Stearns and Stearns correctionStearnsStearnscorrection
Stensby WhitenessStensby68.Whiteness
Stockman & Sharpe (2000) 10-deg cone fundamentalsStockmanMacLeodJohnson10degConeFundamentals1993
Stockman, MacLeod & Johnson (1993) 2-deg cone fundamentalsStockmanMacLeodJohnson2degCIEadjConeFundamentals1993
Stockman, MacLeod & Johnson (1993) 2-deg fundamentalsStockmanMacLeodJohnson2degStilesBurchConeFundamentals1993
Stockman & Sharpe (2000) 10-deg cone fundamentalsStockmanSharpe10degCMFS2000
Stockman & Sharpe (2000) 2-deg cone fundamentalsStockmanSharpe2degCMFadj2000
Taube WhitenessTaube60.Whiteness
The spectral reflectance data of 14 color test samples for CRITCSdata
434 Munsell colors with tristimulus and CMFs for a few illuminantstristimulusMunsell
Vos, Estévez & Walraven (1990) 2-deg cone fundamentalsVosEstevezWalraven2degConeFundamentals1990
Vos & Walraven(1971) 2-deg cone fundamentalsVosWalraven2degConeFundamentals1971
Westland, et al. blackness indexWestlandBlacknessIndex
White points of standard illuminantswhitepointsilluminants
Primaries for RGB color spaceswhitepointsRGB
Approximates wavelength to CIE tristimulus XYZwlnm2XYZ wlnm2xyz
Approximations from wavelengths to XYZ by Wyman et alxFit_1931 yFit_1931 zFit_1931
convert from chromaticity coordinates to correlated color temperature (Hernandez Andres)xy2CCT.HernandezAndres
convert from chromaticity coordinates to correlated color temperaturexy2CCT.McCamy
x, y coordinates transformed to Judd (1951) x', y' systemxyChromaticitiesVos1978
Convert CIE CMF to XYZxyY2XYZ
convert from XYZ coordinates to BVRXYZ2BVR
convert from chromaticity coordinates to correlated color temperature (Robertson)XYZ2CCT.Robertson
convert from XYZ coordinates to Hunter Lab coordinatesXYZ2HunterLab
convert from XYZ coordinates to CIE Lab coordinatesXYZ2Lab
Convert XYZ coordinates to LMSXYZ2LMS
convert from XYZ coordinates to CIE Luv coordinatesXYZ2Luv
convert from XYZ coordinates to CIE RGB coordinatesXYZ2RGB
convert from XYZ to three filter measurements (reflectance factors)XYZ2RxRyRz
convert from XYZ coordinates to xyY coordinatesXYZ2xyY
convert from XYZ coordinates to Yuv coordinatesXYZ2Yuv
Approximations from wavelengths to XYZ by Moon & SpencerXYZMoonSpencer1945
Perfect reflecting diffuser dataXYZperfectreflectingdiffuser
Approximations from wavelengths to XYZ by Tannenbaum 1974XYZTannenbaum1974
convert from XYZ coordinates to RGBXYZtoRGB
CIE XYZ "Y" to Munsell valueY2MunsellV
CIE XYZ "Y" to Munsell value formula, based on the ASTM Standard D1535-08Y2MunsellVtable1D1535
Convert YCbCr coordinates to RGBYCbCr2RGB
Convert YIQ coordinates to RGBYIQ2RGB
Convert YCbCr coordinates to RGBYPbPr2RGB
Convert Yuv coordinates to LuvYuv2Luv
Convert YUV coordinates to RGBYUV2RGB
convert from Yuv coordinates to xy coordinatesYuv2xy
convert from Yuv coordinates to XYZ coordinatesYuv2XYZ
convert from Yxy coordinates to CIE 1960 UCSYxy2CIE1960UCS
convert from Yxy coordinates to Yuv coordinatesYxy2Yuv