Package 'zonohedra'

Title: Compute and Plot Zonohedra from Vector Generators
Description: Computes a zonohedron from real vector generators. The package also computes zonogons (2D zonotopes) and zonosegs (1D zonotopes). An elementary S3 class for matroids is included, which supports matroids with rank 3, 2, and 1. Optimization methods are taken from Heckbert (1985) <>.
Authors: Glenn Davis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Glenn Davis <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.4-0
Built: 2025-03-03 03:02:14 UTC

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zonhedra package


This package deals with zonohedra, which are zonotopes of dimension 3. It also handles zonogons (2D zonotopes) and zonosegs (1D zonotopes).

The term zonoseg ("zonotope" + "segment") is my own personal term; I could not find an alternative term. It is a linear image of the unit cube [0,1]n[0,1]^n in the real numbers, and a compact segment of reals.

S3 classes

Z class(Z)
zonohedron "zonohedron" "zonotope" "list"
zonogon "zonogon" "zonotope" "list"
zonoseg "zonoseg" "zonotope" "list"

For example, the section() returns very diffferent things for a zonohedron and a zonogon, and so section.zonohedron() and section.zonogon() are coded and documented separately. A section for a zonoseg does not make sense, so section.zonoseg() is undefined.


For a convex polytope, a supporting hyperplane is a hyperplane that intersect the polytope's boundary but not its interior.
A zonotope is a convex polytope. A zonohedron has supporting planes, and a zonogon has supporting lines.

In the package zonohedra, a zonotope mean a zonotope of dimension 3, 2, or 1.

A face of a zonotope is the intersection of the boundary of the zonotope with some supporting hyperplane. A d-face is a face of dimension d. So a 0-face is a vertex, and a 1-face is an edge.

A facet of a zonotope is a face whose dimension is 1 less than the dimension of the zonotope. A facet is a maximal proper face.

A zonohedron has 0-faces (vertices), 1-faces (edges), and 2-faces (facets).

A zonogon has 0-faces (vertices) and 1-faces (edges). Since the dimension of an edge is 1 less than the dimension of the zonogon, an edge of a zonogon is also a facet of a zonogon.

compute data about specific parallelograms in the boundary of a zonohedron


The boundary of a zonohedron is the union of parallelograms, where some of them may be facets, and some may be tiles in the standard tiling of more complex facets. The edges of each parallelogram are given by a pair of distinct generators. If a zonohedron has nn of these generators, then there are n(n1)/2n(n{-}1)/2 such pairs. However, if the two generators are multiples of each other, or 0, the parallelogram is degenerate and does not count. For each pair of generators, there are 2 parallelograms which are antipodal to each other. The total number of parallelograms is n(n1)n(n{-}1). This function computes data about one parallelogram from this antipodal pair.


boundarypgramdata( x, gndpair, cube=FALSE )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


an Mx2 integer matrix. Each row of gndpair must contain a pair of points in the ground set of the matroid of the zonohedron x. If the 1st point is less that the 2nd point, then the standard parallelogram is used. If the 2nd point is less than the 1st point, then the antipodal parallelogram is used. If one of the points is not in the ground set of the matroid, it is a silent error and all the returned data is set to NA. If the two vector generators are multiples of each other, or 0, then the parallelogram is degenerate and all the returned data is set to NA.
gndpair can also be a numeric vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


if TRUE, then a point of the cube that maps to the center of the given parallelogram is returned, see Value.


boundarypgramdata() returns a data.frame with M rows and these columns:


the given gndpair


the index of the hyperplane in the simplified matroid of x that contains gndpair


the center of the standard or antipodal parallelogram. The centers of the standard and antipodal parallelograms add to white.


the number of transitions in pcube - a point in the nn-cube that maps to center, where n is the number of generators of x. This is a positive even integer.

And if cube is TRUE, then this column is added:


a point in the nn-cube that maps to center. The sum of the spectra of the standard and the antipodal spectra is identically 1.

If a row of gndpair has an invalid pair, the other columns are filled with NAs.

In case of global error, the function returns NULL.

See Also



zono =  zonohedron( colorimetry.genlist[[2]] )
boundarypgramdata( zono, c(570,608,  608,570, 400,450,  650,700,  650,720, 700,720,  650,900) )
##   gndpair.1 gndpair.2 hyperplaneidx     center.x     center.y     center.z transitions
## 1       570       608         49284  34.01432310  23.49690880   0.03214207           8
## 2       608       570         49284  72.85114639  83.36000830 106.86010920           8
## 3       400       450         12831   9.89612333   0.57529647  49.17990701           2
## 4       650       700             1   4.58023729   1.69316773   0.00000000           2
## 5       650       720             1   4.70484309   1.73816516   0.00000000           2
## 6       700       720            NA           NA           NA           NA          NA
## 7       650       900            NA           NA           NA           NA          NA

# In rows 1 and 2, the ground pairs are swapped, so the hyperlane index remains the same
# but the parallelograms are antipodal; the sum of their centers is the white point.
# Row 3 is a parallelogram facet, which is the usual situation.
# In rows 4 and 5, since generators for ground points 700 and 720 are multiples,
# the hyperplane index is the same. Both parallelograms are in a tiling of a non-trivial facet.
# In row 6, since the generators are multiples, the parallelogram is degenerate.
# In row 7, the point 900 is not in the ground set, so the parallelogram is undefined.

zonohedra generators useful for testing and plotting


classics.genlist 13 classic zonohedra generators
colorimetry.genlist 4 sets of Color Matching Functions (each set is a 3xN matrix)


Each is an S3 class genlist object organized as a list of 3xN matrices (N varies). The list must have names, preferably short names or abbreviations. Each matrix can have optional attributes "shortname" and "fullname" which are useful when printing with print.genlist().


Making these S3 class genlist makes it possible to easily print a short summary using print.genlist().

For colorimetry.genlist[[2]] a few remarks are in order. These generators come from the xyz CIE color matching functions of 1931, from 360 to 830 nm with 1 nm step. From 699 to 830 nm, the angles between the generators only differ by a few microradians, and it apparent that the designers tapered all 3 functions identically in that nm range. For an illustration of this in the chromaticity domain, see Burns, Figure 10. When the zonohedron is constructed from these 132 generators, with the default options, all these generators a 'collapsed' into a single one. In the original matroid these 132 points form a multiple group, and in the simplified matroid they are collapsed to a single point, labeled with 699.


David Eppstein. Zonohedra and Zonotopes.

Colour & Vision Research Laboratory. University College London.


ASTM E 308 - 01. Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System. Table 1

Scott A Burns. The location of optimal object colors with more than two transitions. Color Research & Application. Vol. 46. No. 6. pp 1180-1193. 2021.

Günther Wyszecki and W.S. Stiles. Color Science : Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae. Second Edition. Wiley-Interscience. 1982. Table I(3.3.1). pp. 723-735.

See Also



# get the names of 3 sets of color matching functions
# [1] "xyz1931.5nm" "xyz1931.1nm" "lms2000.1nm"

# print zonohedra metrics associated with 3 sets of color matching functions
#                            fullname generators vertices  edges facets      area     volume pointed
# xyz1931.5nm  xyz at 5nm step                81     5100  10146   5048  1582.722   4070.345    TRUE
# xyz1931.1nm  xyz at 1nm step               471   112910 225720 112812 39586.707 509434.149    TRUE
# lms2000.1nm  lms at 1nm step               441   146642 292860 146220 22736.652 181369.085    TRUE
# ciexyzjv.5nm xyz at 5nm step (1978)         90     8012  16020   8010  1553.535   3951.899    TRUE

Get Important Metrics about a Zonohedron, and Print and Summarize Them


Get some important zonohedron metrics; for most some computation is needed.

The print() function prints nicely formatted facts about a zonohedron, including its matroid.

The summary() function prints a single-line summary, formatted as a row in a data frame.


## S3 method for class 'zonohedron'
getmetrics( x )

## S3 method for class 'zonohedron'
print( x, trans2=FALSE, matroid=TRUE, ... )

## S3 method for class 'zonohedron'
summary( object, ... )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


if TRUE then print extra metrics on the 2-transition surface associated with x


if TRUE then print extra information about the matroid associated with x


a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


for print() further arguments are ignored; for summary() the further arguments can be *more* zonohedron objects, which are summarized by adding more rows to the same data frame; see Examples.


getmetrics.zonohedron() returns a list with these items:


the number of vertices


the number of edges


the number of facets (2D faces); all of them are zonogons


the sum of the areas of all the facets


as a polytope

All of these are always positive.

print.zonohedron() returns TRUE or FALSE.

summary.zonohedron() returns a data frame, see Examples.

See Also

genlist, zonohedron(),


zono = zonohedron( classics.genlist[['BD']] )
# zonohedron:
# fullname:                          Bilinski dodecahedron 
# generators (original):             4 
# generators with multiples:         0 
# generators (simplified):           4 
# number of facets:                  12  [6 antipodal facet-pairs]
# facets that contain 0:             4    { 1 3 4 6 }
# number of edges:                   24 
# center:                            0.809017 2.118034 1.309017 
# pointed:                           TRUE 
# salient:                           TRUE 
# area:                              38.83282 
# volume:                            16.94427 
# matroid:
# ground set:           4 points   {1 2 3 4}
# hyperplanes:          6     {1 2}  {1 3}  {1 4}  {2 3}  {2 4}  {3 4}
# rank:                 3
# loops:                0   {}
# multiple groups:      0   {}
# uniform:              TRUE
# paving:               TRUE
# simple:               TRUE
# This matroid is constructed from a 3x4 real matrix.
#             1        2        3         4
# [1,] 1.000000 1.618034 0.000000 -1.000000
# [2,] 1.618034 0.000000 1.000000  1.618034
# [3,] 0.000000 1.000000 1.618034  0.000000

summary( zono )
#                fullname generators vertices edges facets     area   volume
# 1 Bilinski dodecahedron          4       14    24     12 38.83282 16.94427

zono4 = zonohedron( classics.genlist[['RI']] )
zono7 = zonohedron( classics.genlist[['TO']] )
summary( zono, zono4, zono7 )
#                fullname generators vertices edges facets     area   volume
# 1 Bilinski dodecahedron          4       14    24     12 38.83282 16.94427
# 2   rhombic icosahedron          5       22    40     20 64.72136 42.36068
# 3  truncated octahedron          6       24    36     14 53.56922 32.00000

Grouping by duplicated elements


grpDuplicated() is a generic function that takes an indexed set of "elements", and outputs an integer vector with the same length. The "elements" can be components of a vector, or the row vectors or column vectors of a matrix. In the output vector, a component is 0 if and only if the corresponding element is unique. When the element is unique, it forms a singleton group. Output components have equal positive integer values if and only if the corresponding elements are identical to each other. These elements form a non-singleton group, and the positive integer is called the group number.

The number of singleton groups is equal to #(zeros), which is equal to the #(elements) - #(duplicated elements).
The number of non-singleton groups is equal to max(output vector).
The number of all groups is equal to #(zeros) + max(output vector).


## Default S3 method:
grpDuplicated( x, ... )
## S3 method for class 'matrix'
grpDuplicated( x, MARGIN=1, ... )



a vector or matrix of atomic mode "numeric", "integer", "logical", "complex", "character" or "raw".


an integer scalar, the matrix margin to be held fixed, as in apply. MARGIN=1 means that it looks for duplicated rows, and MARGIN=2 means that it looks for duplicated columns. Other values are invalid.


arguments for particular methods.


The implementation is based on std::unordered_map in C++11, which uses a hash-table.


The return value is an integer vector with all elements ranging from 0 to K, where K is the number of non-singleton groups.
For vector x the elements are the vector components, and the output is the same length as the input.
For a matrix x with MARGIN=1, the elements are the rows of the matrix and the output has length nrow(x).
For a matrix x with MARGIN=2, the elements are the columns of the matrix and the output has length ncol(x).
The 'ngroups' attribute of the returned vector is set to an integer 3-vector. The 1st component is the total number of groups, the 2nd component is the number of singleton groups, and the 3rd component is the number of non-singleton groups K.


The templated C++ function that does the real work is taken from the package uniqueAtomMat by Long Qu, but the returned vector is slightly modified by Glenn Davis.


Long Qu and Glenn Davis

The package uniqueAtomMat was removed from CRAN by its author Long Qu.



#   test a numeric vector
x = rnorm(7)
y = rnorm(5)
grpDuplicated( c(x,y,rev(x)) )
##  [1] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
##  attr(,"ngroups")
##  [1] 12  5  7

# test a numeric matrix, both rows and columns
A = matrix( rnorm(3*7), 3, 7 )
B = matrix( rnorm(3*5), 3, 5 )

#   the columns of cbind(A,B,A) have the duplicates one would expect
grpDuplicated( cbind(A,B,A), MARGIN=2 )
##  [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
##  attr(,"ngroups")
##  [1] 12  5  7

# but the rows of cbind(A,B,A) are unique
grpDuplicated( cbind(A,B,A), MARGIN=1 )
##  [1] 0 0 0
##  attr(,"ngroups")
##  [1] 3 3 0

test points for being inside a zonotope


Test points for being inside a zonotope. The boundary points are considered to be inside.


## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
inside( x, p )



a zonotope object - a zonohedron, zonogon, or zonoseg


an NxM numeric matrix, where M is the dimension of the zonotope. The points to be tested are in the rows. p can also be a numeric vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


The given zonotope is viewed as the intersection of slabs; there is a slab for each hyperplane in the simplified matroid. For each slab a signed distance to boundary of the slab is computed. For points outside the slab the distance is positive, for points on the boundary, the distance is 0, and for points in the interior of the slab the distance is negative. The distance to the zonotope is computed as the maximum over all these slab distances, and the critical hyperplane index is recorded. A point is inside iff the zonotope distance \le 0.


inside.zonotope() returns a data.frame with N rows and these columns:


the given point


the signed distance from the point to the zonotope. When distance < 0, the point is in the interior, and distance is the true Euclidean distance. For boundary points, distance is 0. When distance > 0, the point is outside, and distance may be larger than the true Euclidean distance, so it is really a pseudo-distance.


whether the point is inside the zonotope. inside = distance<=0.


the index of the critical hyperplane in the simplified matroid. This is the index of the slab where the maximum slab distance was taken. For a zonoseg there is only 1 hyperplane (the empty set) so this is always 1.

If the row names of p are unique, they are copied to the row names of the output.
In case of error, the function returns NULL.

See Also



zono1 = zonoseg( c(1,-2,3,0,-3,-4) )

# [1] -9 4

p = c( 0, -3*pi, pi, 2*pi, getsegment(zono1) )

inside( zono1, p )
#           p inside   distance idxhyper
# 1  0.000000   TRUE -4.0000000        1
# 2 -9.424778  FALSE  0.4247780        1
# 3  3.141593   TRUE -0.8584073        1
# 4  6.283185  FALSE  2.2831853        1
# 5 -9.000000   TRUE  0.0000000        1
# 6  4.000000   TRUE  0.0000000        1

test points against a 2-transition surface


This function tests points for being inside the 2-transition surface associated with a zonohedron.


inside2trans( x, p )



a zonohedron object


an Nx3 numeric matrix. The points to be tested are in the rows. p can also be a numeric vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


If the surface has no self-intersections, the the definition of whether a point p is "inside" is fairly straightforward: it is where the linking number of p and the surface is non-zero. In fact, if it is non-zero then it must be +1 or -1. The linking number is analogous the winding number in 2D, for more discussion see Note.

Unfortunately, there is currently no test for whether the surface has self-intersections, For a bad surface with self-intersections, the linking number might be any integer. Since there is no such test, we simply use the same non-zero linking number rule always.

The computed linkingnumber is returned so that the user can apply the non-zero rule, or the even-odd rule, as appropriate for their situation. These 2 rules are analogous to the two winding number rules used for polygons in computer graphics, see Point in polygon.

The case where a point is on the surface (i.e. the distance to the surface is 0) is problematic. The linkingnumber is then undefined, and we currently set inside to be undefined as well. Thus inside should be interpreted as strictly inside. However, in some situations, the user may want to consider inside to be TRUE in this problematic case. Or the user may want to consider points that are within a very small epsilon of the surface, where roundoff might have occurred, to have inside=FALSE or inside=NA. So the both the computed linkingnumber and distance are returned so the user can use them to make their own definition of what "inside" means.


inside2trans() returns a data.frame with N rows and these columns:


the given point


the distance from the point to the surface. This is the true Euclidean distance, and not a "pseudo-distance" as in the case of inside(). If the point is on the surface, the distance should be 0 up to numerical precision.


the linking number of the point and the surface. If the point is on the surface (distance==0), the (mathematical) linking number is undefined, and the computed linkingnumber is NA (integer).


whether the point is inside the surface; a logical. This is currently set to linkingnumber != 0. If the linkingnumber is NA (integer), then inside is NA (logical).


the time to do the calculations, in seconds

If the row names of p are unique, they are copied to the row names of the output.
In case of error, the function returns NULL.


The standard definition of the linking number of a point and a surface uses intersections with rays, see the vignette The 2-Transition Subcomplex and the 2-Transition Surface for the precise definition. This is fine in theory, but in practice does not handle well the case when the ray intersects the boundary of a parallelogram. So this function uses an integral formula for the degree of a linking map that reduces to summing the signed area of a lot of spherical triangles, see Spivak p. 75 and Guillemin and Pollack p. 188.


Guillemin, Victor and Alan Pollack. Differential Topology. Prentice-Hall. 1974.

Point in polygon — Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 2023.

Spivak, Michael. A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry. Volume 1. 3rd edition. Publish or Perish. 1999.

See Also


invert points on the boundary of a zonohedron


A zonohedron ZZ is the image of a linear map [0,1]nZR3[0,1]^n \to Z \subset \bold{R}^3, from the n-cube to 3D space. For a point on the boundary of the zonohedron, this function computes a point in the unit cube that maps to it. All coordinates of the point in the cube are 0 or 1, except for two of them. The point is not necessarily unique.


## S3 method for class 'zonohedron'
invertboundary( x, point, tol=5.e-14 )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


Mx3 matrix with points on the boundary of x in the rows. Such a matrix typically is returned by raytrace.zonohedron() or section.zonohedron(). point can also be a numeric vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


points that are not within tol of the boundary are skipped, see Details


Given the boundary point, the function determines the facet that contains it. The pcube coordinates of the base vertex of this facet are all 0 or 1, and fairly easy to determine. If the facet is a parallelogram, the other two coordinates are fairly easy to determine too. If the facet is a zonogon with K generators, with K>2, then the unknown K coordinates are calculated using invert.zonogon().
Because of floating point behaviour, coordinates can be slightly negative or slightly more than 1. After the calculation, they are clamped to [0,1].


invertboundary.zonohedron() returns a data.frame with M rows and these columns:


the given boundary point


signed distance to the boundary of x; for successful inversion its absolute value is \le tol


index of the facet pair that contains the point


sign of the facet pair; either +1 or -1


a point in the unit n-cube that maps to the given boundary point; all coordinates of pcube are 0 or 1, except for 2 of them.


the number of transitions in pcube - a non-negative even integer

If a point point cannot be inverted, e.g. because distance is too large, the other columns are all NA.

If the row names of point are unique, they are copied to the row names of the output. The column names of pcube are copied from the ground set of the associated matroid.

In case of global error, the function returns NULL.

See Also

zonohedron(), section.zonohedron(), raytrace.zonohedron(), invert.zonogon()

linear transformations of zonotopes, and vector matroids


These functions perform straightforward linear transformations on the generators of a zonotope, and the column vectors of a vector matroid


## S3 method for class 'zonohedron'
lintransform( x, W )
## S3 method for class 'zonogon'
lintransform( x, W )
## S3 method for class 'matroid'
lintransform( x, W )



x can be a vector matroid object, as returned from the constructor matroid() that takes a matrix as input.


An invertible matrix that matches the rank of x. This invertibility is verified. W can also be a scalar; it is then replaced by that scalar multiplied by the identity matrix of the appropriate rank.


If x is a zonohedron (or zonogon), lintransform(x) returns the zonohedron (or zonogon) whose generators are the generators of x with the matrix W applied on the left side. This function is optimized - it is not necessary to transform the generators and start all over again.

If x is a vector matroid, lintransform(x) returns the matroid whose generators are the generators of x with the matrix W applied on the left side. If x is a matroid, but *not* a vector matroid, it returns the original matroid and prints a warning message.

In case of error, e.g. invalid W, the function prints an error message and returns NULL.


Matroid - Wikipedia.

See Also

rank(), matroid()

matroid construction


Construct a matroid from a matrix, or from explicit list of hyperplanes


## S3 method for class 'matrix'
matroid( x, e0=0, e1=1.e-6, e2=1.e-10, ground=NULL, ... )

## S3 method for class 'list'
matroid( x, ground=NULL, ... )



x can be a numeric matrix with 3, 2, or 1 rows whose columns determine the matroid. The matrix must be either square or "wide", i.e. more columns than rows. The matrix must be full-rank, i.e. the rank must be equal to the number of rows, which is then the rank of the constructed matroid. Such a matroid is often called a column matroid or vector matroid.

x can also be a list of vectors of positive integers, which are thought of as sets, and are the hyperplanes of the matroid. The hyperplanes are checked that they satisfy the matroid hyperplane axioms. The rank of the constructed matroid is determined automatically, and must be 3, 2, or 1.


The ground set of the matroid - a vector of positive integers in strictly increasing order.

When x is a matrix, length(ground) must be equal to ncol(x). The point ground[i] corresponds to the i'th column of x. If ground is NULL, the column names of x are converted to such a vector if possible. If this is not possible, ground is set to 1:ncol(x).

When x is a list, every set in the list must be a subset of ground. If ground is NULL, it is set to the union of all the sets in x. For technical reasons, when the rank is 1, ground is required and cannot be NULL, see Details.


threshold, in the LL^{\infty} norm, for a column vector of x to be considered 0, and thus that the corresponding point in the matroid is a loop. Since the default is e0=0, by default a column vector must be exactly 0 to become a loop.


threshold, in a pseudo-angular sense, for column vectors to be multiples of each other, and thus members of a group of multiple (aka parallel) points in the matroid. This tolerance is only used when the rank is 2 or 3.


threshold, in a pseudo-angular sense, for the planes spanned by pairs of column vectors to be considered coincident, and thus the columns to be in the same hyperplane of the matroid. This tolerance is used when the rank is 3.


not used


It was mentioned above that the tolerances e1 and e2 are pseudo-angular. Specifically, vectors are normalized to the L2L^2 unit sphere and the distance between them is computed in the LL^{\infty} norm.

Matroids are well-known to have many cryptomorphic definitions, e.g. independent sets, bases, circuits, rank function, closure operator, flats, and hyperplanes. See Matroid - Wikipedia. In this package, matroids can only be constructed from hyperplanes, but there are functions rank() and is_independent() that can be used after construction.

Checking that the hyperplanes satisfy the matroid hyperplane axioms is made easier by the fact that all simple matroids of rank 3 or less are paving matroids, see Paving Matroid - Wikipedia

Rank 1 matroids are extremely simple - the loops form the single hyperplane (possibly empty), and the non-loops form a multiple group. If ground=NULL the non-loops are unknown, so this is why ground is required when the rank is 1.


matroid() returns an object with S3 class 'matroid'.
In case of error, e.g. invalid x or computed hyperplanes, the function prints an error message and returns NULL.


The ground set of positive integers should not be too sparse; otherwise performance may suffer.

When x is a matrix with 3 rows, it may happen that the computed hyperplanes do not satisfy the axioms for a matroid. In that case, the user will be prompted to try reducing tolerance e2. Getting the expected hyperplanes may require some a priori knowledge of the expected hyperplanes. For best results, the matrix should be given with maximum precision.


Matroid - Wikipedia.

Paving Matroid - Wikipedia.

See Also

rank(), simplify(), getsimplified()

matroid get functions


get some important members of a matrix


## S3 method for class 'matroid'
getground( x )

## S3 method for class 'matroid'
gethyperplane( x )

## S3 method for class 'matroid'
getmatrix( x )

## S3 method for class 'matroid'
getloop( x )

## S3 method for class 'matroid'
getmultiple( x )



a matroid object, as returned from the constructor matroid()


getground() returns an vector of positive integers in strictly increasing order = the ground set of the matroid x.

gethyperplane() returns a list of vectors of positive integers = the hyperplanes of the matroid.
If x is the simplification of an "original matroid", the "lmdata" attribute of the returned list is set to the loop and multiple group data of the "original hyperplanes". These hyperplanes can be recovered using unsimplify().
If x was constructed from a matrix, these hyperplanes are sorted in decreasing order by length. The non-trivial hyperplanes come first, followed by the trivial hyperplanes. A hyperplane is trivial iff it is independent in the matroid. For a matroid of rank 3, a hyperplane is trivial iff it has 2 points.

getmatrix() returns the matrix passed to the matroid.matrix() constructor, or NULL if the list constructor was used. The column names are labeled with the ground set.

getloop() returns an integer vector with the loops of x. If x is simple, it is the empty vector.

getmultiple() returns a list of integer vectors - the multiple groups of x. If x is simple, it is the empty list.


Matroid - Wikipedia.

See Also

rank(), simplify(), unsimplify(), getsimplified(),


# construct a classic matroid with 7 points, but assign an unusual ground set
mat = matroid( classics.genlist[['TRD']], ground=11:17 )

getmatrix( mat )

##       11 12 13 14       15       16       17
##  [1,]  1  1  1  1 1.732051 0.000000 0.000000
##  [2,]  1  1 -1 -1 0.000000 1.732051 0.000000
##  [3,]  1 -1  1 -1 0.000000 0.000000 1.732051

matroid properties


get some important boolean properties of a matrix, see Matroid - Wikipedia for the definitions.


## S3 method for class 'matroid'
is_simple( x )

## S3 method for class 'matroid'
is_uniform( x )

## S3 method for class 'matroid'
is_paving( x )



a matroid object, as returned from the constructor matroid()


is_simple() returns a logical. A matroid is simple iff it has no loops and no multiple groups.

is_uniform() returns a logical. A matroid is uniform iff all the hyperplanes have the same size, which is the rank-1.

is_paving() returns a logical. For the definition of paving see Paving Matroid - Wikipedia. This property is important because the hyperplane axioms are fairly easy to check.


Matroid - Wikipedia.

Paving Matroid - Wikipedia.

See Also


Minkowski sum of Two zonotopes


A zonotope can be viewed as a Minkowski sum of line segments, with one endpoint at 0. Therefore, the Minkowski sum of two zonotopes (in the same dimension) is also a zonotope.


## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
minkowskisum( zono1, zono2, e0=0, e1=1.e-6, e2=1.e-10, ground=NULL, ... )

## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
zono1 %+% zono2



a zonotope object - a zonohedron, a zonogon, or a zonoseg


a zonotope object with the same dimension as zono1


see zonohedron()


see zonohedron()


see zonohedron()


the ground set of the returned zonotope. If ground is NULL, it is set to the ground set of zono1 followed by the ground set of zono2 translated sufficiently to not intersect that of zono1.


not used


After verifying that zono1 and zono2 are the same dimension, it takes the 2 matrices, cbinds them, and passes the new matrix to the appropriate constructor, along with the other arguments. There are no special optimizations.


minkowskisum() returns a zonotope of the same dimension as zono1 and zono2.
%+% is a more convenient binary operator that calls minkowskisum(), but without the flexibility of the extra arguments.
In case of error, the function returns NULL.


Zonohedron - Wikipedia.

See Also

zonohedron(), zonogon(), zonoseg()

plot the 2-transition surface associated with a zonohedron


The 2-transition surface has the topology of a sphere and is contained in the zonohedron. All the facets are parallelograms. The surface is centrally symmetric, with the same center as the zonohedron. The surface may have self-intersections.


plot2trans(  x, type='ef', ecol='black', econc=FALSE,
                 fcol='yellow', falpha=0.5, level=NULL,
                 normals=FALSE, both=TRUE, bgcol="gray40", add=FALSE, ... )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


a character string with what parts to draw. If type contains 'e', then draw the edges. If type contains 'f', then draw filled facets. If type contains 'p', then draw points at the centers of the facets.


The color to use when drawing the edges.


If TRUE then draw the concave edges in red, and with extra thickness


The color to use when drawing the facets.


The opacity to use when drawing the facets.


An integer vector which is a subvector of 0:(M-2), where M is the number of simplified generators. Only the facets and edges at the specified levels are drawn. When level=NULL then all facets and edges are drawn. This argument does not affect the drawing of points.


If TRUE then draw the unit facet normals.


if FALSE then draw only one half of the centrally symmetric surface. Otherwise draw both halves (the default).


the background color


If TRUE then add to the current 3D plot. If there is no current 3D plot, it is an error.


not used


Facets and regular edges are drawn with rgl::quads3d(). Concave edges are drawn with rgl::segments3d(). Points are drawn with rgl::points3d().


The function returns TRUE; or FALSE in case of error.


The package rgl is required for 3D plots. A large black point is drawn at 0, a large white point at the "white point", and a 50% gray point at the center. A line from the black point to the white point is also drawn.

See Also

zonohedron(), plothighertrans(), plot.zonohedron()

plot abundant and deficient parallelograms


The 2-transition surface associated with a zonohedron is a topological sphere and is contained in the zonohedron. The surface is centrally symmetric, with the same center as the zonohedron. The surface may have self-intersections. For this function, the surface is required to be strictly starshaped at the center. For the definition of strictly starshaped see the vignette The 2-Transition Subcomplex and the 2-Transition Surface.

The 2-transition surface is a union of parallelograms. Each parallelogram has a unit normal that defines a linear functional.
If a 2-transition parallelogram is in the interior of the zonohedron then the functional is not maximized on the parallelogram, and there is a corresponding similar parallelogram on the boundary of the zonohedron where the functional *is* maximized. The first parallelogram (in the surface) is called deficient because the functional is not maximized, and the second parallelogram (in the boundary) is called abundant because the number of corresponding transitions across this parallelogram is more than 2.
If the 2-transition parallelogram is on the boundary, then it is called coincident. The coincident parallelograms are ignored and not drawn in this function.

Because of this 1-1 correspondence between deficient parallelograms (in the 2-transition surface) and the abundant parallelograms (in the boundary of the zonohedron), the area of these two surfaces are the same.


plothighertrans( x, abalpha=1, defcol='green', defalpha=0, ecol=NA,
                  connections=FALSE, bgcol="gray40", both=TRUE, ...  )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


The opacity to use when drawing the abundant parallelograms. If abalpha=0 then they are not drawn.


The color to use when drawing the deficient parallelograms


The opacity to use when drawing the deficient parallelograms. If defalpha=0 (the default), then they are not drawn.


The color to use when drawing the edges. If ecol=NA (the default), then they are not drawn.


If TRUE then draw segments between centers of the deficient parallelograms in the 2-transition surface, and centers of the the corresponding abundant parallelograms in the zonohedron boundary


the background color


if FALSE then draw only one half of the centrally symmetric boundary. Otherwise draw both halves. This affects edges and parallelograms.


not used


Connections are drawn with rgl::segments3d() and rgl::points3d() . parallelograms and edges are drawn with rgl::quads3d(). Both parallelograms and edges are drawn unlit (lit=FALSE). The parallelograms are colored by the number of transitions using the color codes in Burns, up to 10 transitions.

A large black point is drawn at 0, a large white point at the "white point", and a 50% gray point at the center. A line from the black point to the white point is also drawn.


The function returns TRUE when successful; or FALSE in case of error.


This function currently only works when the 2-transition surface is starshaped at the center. This excludes many of the classic zonohedra.


The package rgl is required for 3D plots.


Scott A Burns. The location of optimal object colors with more than two transitions. Color Research & Application. Vol. 46. No. 6. pp 1180-1193. 2021.

See Also

zonohedron(), plot.zonohedron(), plot2trans()

plot the generator polygon associated with a pointed zonohedron


A zonohedron is pointed iff there is a vector n so the inner product of all the zonohedron generators with n is positive. In other terminology, it is pointed iff there is an open halfspace that contains all the generators.
When n exists, a neighborhood of 0 can be cut by a plane orthogonal to n and the intersection is a polygon. Since n is not unique, the polygon is only unique up to a 2D projective transformation.


plotpolygon( x, normal=NULL, points=TRUE, labels=TRUE )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron(). It must be pointed.


the vector n to use - a non-zero numeric vector of length 3. If it is given, the validity is checked and if invalid it is an error.
If it is NULL, a few canonical normals are first tested for validity. If they are invalid, then a valid one is computed.


If TRUE then draw the vertices of the polygon


If TRUE then draw labels, taken from the ground set of the simplified matroid, near the vertices


The selected normal vector n is added to the title of the plot.


The function returns TRUE; or FALSE in case of error.

See Also

zonohedron(), plot.zonohedron()

Print Basic Facts about a Matroid


The function prints a nicely formatted summary of a matroid, including the ground set, the rank, loops, multiple groups, and some boolean properties. It prints the number of hyperplanes, broken down by their size. If it is a vector matroid, and its matrix is not too large, it prints that matrix. If the matroid is not simple, it also prints the simplified matroid.


## S3 method for class 'matroid'
print( x, ... )



a matroid object as returned by the constructor matroid()


further arguments ignored, but required by the generic print()


The function returns TRUE or FALSE.

See Also


Print Basic Metrics for Each Zonohedron Generated by the Matrices in a genlist object


An S3 class genlist object is organized as a named list of 3xN matrices, when N varies. The print() method constructs a zonohedron object from each matrix and then prints some basic metrics about each zonohedron, as a data frame. If the matrix has the "fullname" attribute, it is added as a column. The names of the list are copied to the rownames of the data frame.


## S3 method for class 'genlist'
print( x, full=TRUE, ... )



a genlist object


if TRUE, include area and volume columns


not used


print.genlist() uses summary.zonohedron().


The function returns TRUE or FALSE.

See Also

genlist, summary.zonohedron()


# print zonohedra metrics associated with 3 sets of color matching functions
#                    fullname generators vertices  edges facets      area     volume
# xyz1931.5nm xyz at 5nm step         81     5100  10146   5048  1582.722   4070.345
# xyz1931.1nm xyz at 1nm step        471   112910 225720 112812 39586.707 509434.149
# lms2000.1nm lms at 1nm step        441   146642 292860 146220 22736.652 181369.085

#  [1] "C"   "RD"  "BD"  "RI"  "RHD" "RT"  "TO"  "TRD" "TC"  "RE"  "RH"  "TI"  "TSR"

print( classics.genlist, full=FALSE )
#                                   fullname generators vertices edges facets
# C                                     cube          3        8    12      6
# RD                    rhombic dodecahedron          4       14    24     12
# BD                   Bilinski dodecahedron          4       14    24     12
# RI                     rhombic icosahedron          5       22    40     20
# RHD          rhombo-hexagonal dodecahedron          5       18    28     12
# RT                 rhombic triacontahedron          6       32    60     30
# TO                    truncated octahedron          6       24    36     14
# TRD         truncated rhombic dodecahedron          7       32    48     18
# TC                 truncated cuboctahedron          9       48    72     26
# RE                rhombic enneacontahedron         10       92   180     90
# RH              rhombic hectotriadiohedron         12      134   264    132
# TI             truncated icosidodecahedron         15      120   180     62
# TSR truncated small rhombicosidodecahedron         21      240   360    122

Rank and Independence


calculate the rank of any subset of a matroid, or determine whether any subset is independent


rank( x, subs )

is_independent( x, subs )



a matroid object, as returned from the constructor matroid()


a list of integer vectors, representing subsets of the ground set of x. subs can also be an integer vector, which is put into a list of length 1.


rank(x,subs) returns an integer vector with the same length as the list subs. The i'th value is the rank of the i'th set in subs. If a set is not a subset of the ground set of x, the value is NA, and a warning message is printed.

is_independent(x,subs) returns a logical vector with the same length as the list subs. The i'th value is the independence of i'th set in x. It is equal to TRUE iff the rank of the subset is equal to the cardinality of the subset.

For both functions the names are copied from input to output.


Matroid - Wikipedia.

See Also



# make a matroid with rank 3
mat = matroid( classics.genlist[['RT']] )

# the ground set itself should have rank 3
rank( mat, getground(mat) )
##  [1] 3

# single points should have rank 1  (there are no loops)
rank( mat, as.list(getground(mat)) )
##  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1

# all hyperplanes should have rank 2
rank( mat, gethyperplane(mat) )
##  [1] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

# a point not in the ground set should have rank NA
# and the emtpy set should have rank 0
rank( mat, list(100L,integer(0)) )
##  1 of 1 subsets are not a subset of ground.
##  [1] NA 0

compute the intersection of a ray and the 2-transition surface associated with a zonohedron


The open ray with basepoint b\bold{b} and non-zero direction d\bold{d} is the set of the form b+td\bold{b} + t \bold{d} where t>0t > 0.

This function computes the intersection of an open ray and the 2-transition surface associated with a zonohedron. The linking number of the surface and b\bold{b} must be ±1\pm 1. This is verified at the beginning, and if not true, then it is an error. The linking number condition implies that an intersection exists for every ray based at b\bold{b}. Note also that the condition implies that b\bold{b} is not on the surface. For discussion of uniqueness, see Details. For the definition of linking number see The 2-Transition Subcomplex and the 2-Transition Surface.

The 2-transition surface is a union of parallelograms. The surface is symmetric about the center of the zonhedron, so each parallelogram has an antipodal parallelogram. Each parallelogram is specified by an ordered pair of distinct generators from the simplified matroid associated with the zonohedron. Thus, if there are NN generators, there are N(N1)N(N-1) parallelograms. Swapping the generators of a parallelogram changes it to the antipodal parallelogram.

The 2-transition surface has two poles - the point 0 and the sum of all the generators. It is OK for the ray to pass through one of these poles.


raytrace2trans( x, base, direction, invert=FALSE, plot=FALSE, tol=1.e-12, ...  )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


a numeric 3-vector - the basepoint of all the rays. The surface must be strictly starshaped at base, and this is verified.


a numeric Mx3 matrix with M non-zero directions in the rows. The basepoint and these directions define M rays.
direction can also be a numeric vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


if TRUE, then compute a point in the unit cube that maps to the point on the 2-transition surface associated with x, and add it as a column in the returned data.frame


if TRUE, the computed rays, up to the boundary, are added to an existing plot of the zonohedron x, see plot.zonohedron(). The segments are drawn in the color red. If there is no open 3D plot, a warning is issued.


the tolerance for being strictly starshaped, and for intersection with a pole.


not used


The function is designed for the situation when the intersection of the ray and the surface exists and is unique. This is guaranteed for all ray directions d\bold{d} when the surface is strictly starshaped at b\bold{b}. This condition is checked at the beginning of the function, and if false then a warning is issued that the intersection point may not be unique. For the definition of strictly starshaped see The 2-Transition Subcomplex and the 2-Transition Surface.

For finding a parallelogram of intersection, a brute-force search is used; all parallelograms are searched until the first one that intersects the ray is found. To speed things up, the 3D problem is reduced to 2D, and the search is programmed in plain C.

If plot is TRUE, the rays are drawn in red using rgl::segments3d() and rgl::points3d().


raytrace2trans() returns a data.frame with M rows and these columns:


the given basepoint - this is the same in every row


the given direction


the 2 generators of the parallelogram that the ray intersects, taken from the ground set of the simplified matroid. If the ray passes through a pole, both of these are NA.


the 2 coordinates of the intersection point within the parallelogram


ray parameter of the intersection with the parallelogram, always positive


the point on the surface; the intersection of the ray and the parallelogram


the number of parallelograms searched, until the desired one was found. If the ray intersects a pole, this is 0.


the computation time for the given ray, in seconds. This does not include the initial preprocessing time.

And if invert is TRUE, then this column is added:


a point in the unit cube that maps to point. This point in the cube always has 2 transitions.

If base and direction in a row cannot be processed, the rest of the row is NA.

If the row names of direction are unique, they are copied to the row names of the output.

In case of error, the function returns NULL.


The package rgl is required for 3D plotting.

See Also

zonohedron(), plot.zonohedron(), section2trans(), raytrace.zonohedron()

compute the intersection of a plane and the 2-transition surface associated with a zonohedron


In general, the 2-transition surface may be highly non-convex, possibly with self-intersections. The intersection of a plane and the 2-transition surface is a union of polygons, possibly with self-intersections and intersecting each other. This function computes one of those polygons. If there are other polygons, it issues a warning and does not try to compute them.


section2trans( x, normal, beta, invert=FALSE, plot=FALSE, tol=1.e-12, ... )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


a non-zero numeric 3-vector - the normal of all the planes


a numeric M-vector of plane constants. The equation of the k'th plane k is: <x,normal> = beta[k].


if TRUE, then compute a point in the unit cube that maps to the point on the 2-transition surface, and add it as a column in the returned data.frame


if TRUE, the polygons formed by the the intersection of the planes and the 2-transition surface. added to an existing 3D plot of the zonohedron x, see plot.zonohedron(). The polygons are drawn in red.


a small positive number, used as the tolerance for the plane intersecting the interior of each parallelogram, see Details.


not used


The function is designed for the situation when the intersection of a plane and the surface is a single polygon.

Given a plane, the function finds all the parallelograms of the surface whose interiors intersect the plane. Each intersection is a line segment. For each parallelogram it associates one of the endpoints of the segment. The parallelograms are put in polygon order by picking an arbitrary one as the starting point, and then "marching" from one to the next using the canonical parallelogram adjacency relation. After returning to the starting point, if there are other parallelograms remaining, it means that there are other polygons in the section and a warning is issued.


section2trans() returns a list of length M (=length(beta)), and the i'th item in the list is a data frame with these columns:


a Px3 matrix with the P points of the i'th polygon in the rows. If the plane does not intersect the 2-transition surface, then P=0 and the matrix has 0 rows. The row names of point are the indexes of the facets that contain the vertices of the polygon; see Details.


the 2 indexes from the ground set that generates the parallelogram containing point. See Details for a description of the "marching parallelogram" procedure.

And if invert is TRUE, then this column is added:


a point in the unit cube that maps to point. This point in the cube always has 2 transitions.

The names of the returned list are readable strings that contain normal and beta[i].

In case of error, the function returns NULL.


The package rgl is required for 3D plotting.

See Also

zonohedron(), plot.zonohedron(), section.zonohedron(), raytrace2trans()

simplify and unsimplify


A simple matroid has no loops and no multiple groups. Simplification is the process of removing all loops, and every point except one from each multiple group. The result is a simple matroid.
The functions below simplify a matroid, or an explicit list of hyperplanes.
The hyperplanes can be unsimplified if the original loops and multiple groups are known.


## S3 method for class 'matroid'
getsimplified( x, ... )

## S3 method for class 'list'
simplify( x, ground=NULL, ... )

## S3 method for class 'list'
unsimplify( x, loop=NULL, multiple=NULL, ground=NULL, ... )



x can be a matroid object, as returned from the constructor matroid()
x can also be a list of vectors of positive integers, which are thought of as sets. All must be subsets of ground. They do not have to satisfy the matroid hyperplane axioms. For a definition of loop and multiple group in this case, see Details.


The ground set of the sets in x (both simplify() and unsimplify()). It must be a vector of positive integers in strictly increasing order (not verified). If ground is NULL, it is set to the union of the sets in x.


a vector of positive integers, the loops, to add to the list x; loop must be disjoint from ground (verified). If loop is NULL, the function looks for loop in the attribute data attr(x,'lmdata'). If there is no such attribute, loop is set to the empty set.


a list of vectors of positive integers, the multiple groups, to add to the list x; these groups must be pairwise disjoint and disjoint from loop (not verified). Each group must intersect the ground set in exactly one point (verified). If multiple is NULL, the function looks for multiple in the attribute data attr(x,'lmdata'). If there is no such attribute, multiple is set to the empty list.


not used


First consider the case when x is a list of vectors of positive integers. Each vector represents a subset of the ground set. They are not required to satisfy the hyperplane axioms, but by abuse of language we will call them hyperplanes in this paragraph. A loop is a point (an integer in the ground set) that is in every hyperplane. Imagine now that all loops have been removed. Say that two points pp and qq are multiples iff for every hyperplane HH, pHp \in H iff qHq \in H. This is an equivalence relation, and the multiple groups are the equivalence classes with more than one point. For computation it is convenient to think of a boolean incidence matrix. There is a column for each point in the ground set, and a row for each hyperplane. An entry is TRUE iff the point is in the hyperplane. A loop is then a column of all TRUEs. A multiple group is a maximal set of duplicate columns. This is basically how simplify() is implemented, except with optimizations that avoid computing the very large incidence matrix.

Now consider the case when x is a matroid object. When x was constructed, the simplification of x was computed (with help from the *previous* simplify()) and stored as a member of x (unless x was already simple). So in this case getsimplified(x) does not do any real work and only takes microseconds.

These functions are accelerated with C/C++.


If x is a matroid, getsimplified(x) returns x when x is simple, and a member of x when x is not simple. It does not do any real work.

If x is a list, simplify(x) returns a list of the same length, but with all loops removed, and every point except one from each multiple group removed. The integer that remains is the smallest one in the group. The order of the sets is preserved. It also sets the 'lmdata' attribute of the returned list to a list of 2 objects - the loop and multiple group data found in x.

If x is a list, unsimplify(x) returns a list of the same length, but with the loops and multiples added back. The order of the sets is preserved.

In case of error, e.g. invalid x etc., the function prints an error message and returns NULL.


Matroid - Wikipedia.

See Also

rank(), matroid()


# an example using simplify.list() and unsimplify.list()
# get the matrix for CIE XYZ at 5 nm step size
mat3x81 = colorimetry.genlist[[1]]

# create the matroid
mat5 = matroid( mat3x81 )

#  test for simplicity
##  [1] FALSE

# get the list of hyperplanes, and simplify
hyper = gethyperplane( mat5 )
hypersimple = simplify( hyper )

# print the loop and multiple data found

# unsimplify and compare to the originals
# the list attr(hypersimple,'lmdata') is 'secretly' used in unsimplify()
identical( unsimplify(hypersimple), hyper )
##  [1] TRUE

spherize a zonotope


The input is a zonotope with a best-fit ellipsoid (or ellipse for a zonogon) with axes that may have very different lengths. The function computes a spherizing matrix W, and then transforms the zonotope so its boundary is close to a sphere.


## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
spherize( x, method='ZCA', ... )



a zonotope object - a zonohedron, a zonogon, or a zonoseg.


for computing the matrix W, either 'ZCA' or 'PCA-COR'. Matching is partial and case-insensitive.


not used


The 2 methods are taken from Kessy, et. al..


After computing the matrix W, the function return lintransform(x,W). The "sphering" attribute is set to W.
If x is a 1D zonoseg, sphering is not really possible, so the function prints a warning message and returns x. In case of error, the function returns NULL.


Agnan Kessy, Alex Lewin, Korbinian Strimmer. Optimal whitening and decorrelation. v4 2016.

See Also


the support function for a zonotope


Compute the classical support function for a zonotope. It also computes a point on the boundary where the linear functional is maximized, and the dimension of the face where the supporting hyperplane intersects the zonotope.


## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
support( x, direction, tol=5.e-15 )



a zonotope object - a zonohedron, a zonogon, or a zonoseg


an NxM matrix with N directions in the rows. If x is a zonohedron, M must be 3. If x is a zonogon, M must be 2. If x is a zonoseg, M must be 1. direction can also be a vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row. The direction is normal to the supporting hyperplane


the tolerance for determining whether the supporting hyperplane intersects a face with positive dimension. This does not affect the value of the support function. For a zonoseg, tol is ignored.


The function returns a data.frame with N rows and these columns:


the given direction


the value of the support function of x, in the given direction


a point on the boundary of x where the functional max is taken. This point is the center of the face where the supporting hyperplane intersects the zonotope.


of the face where the supporting hyperplane intersects the zonotope. 0 means a vertex, 1 means an edge, and 2 means a 2-face.

If direction is 0, the other columns are NA. If the rownames of direction are unique, they are copied to the row names of the output.
In case of error, the function returns NULL.


Wikipedia - Support function

See Also


symmetrize a zonotope


The input is a zonotope whose matroid is simple. The function adds new generators that creates a new zonotope that is a translate of the original, and has center of symmetry at 0.


## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
symmetrize( x, e0=0, e1=1.e-6, e2=1.e-10, ... )



a zonotope object - a zonohedron, a zonogon, or a zonoseg. The matroid of this zonotope must be simple.


see zonohedron()


see zonohedron()


see zonohedron()


not used


Each generator g (a column of the matrix) is replace by 2 generators: g/2 and -g/2. The new set of generators correponds to a star at 0, from Sec 2-8 of Coxeter.
The new ground points are obtained by translating the original ground points by the their maximum.


The function returns a zonotope that is a translate of the original, and has center of symmetry at 0.
In case of error, the function returns NULL.


Coxeter, H.S.M. Regular Polytopes. Dover Publications. 1973.

See Also

zonohedron(), zonogon(), zonoseg()

summarize the number of transitions and associated data, over all parallelograms in the boundary of a zonohedron


The 2-transition surface is a union of parallelograms. For this function, the surface is required to be strictly starshaped at the center. For the definition of strictly starshaped see The 2-Transition Subcomplex and the 2-Transition Surface.

Each parallelogram has a unit normal that defines a linear functional.
If the 2-transition parallelogram is in the interior of the zonohedron then the functional is not maximized on the parallelogram, and there is a corresponding similar parallelogram on the boundary of the zonohedron where the functional *is* maximized. The first parallelogram (in the surface) is called deficient because the functional is not maximized, and the second parallelogram (in the boundary) is called abundant because the number of corresponding transitions across this parallelogram is more than 2. The difference between the functional values is called the deficit.
If the 2-transition parallelogram is on the boundary, then it is called coincident. It is also called non-deficient and the deficit is 0.


transitionsdf( x, trans2=TRUE )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron(). The 2-transition surface must be strictly starshaped.


if TRUE, then include metrics on the non-deficient (coincident) parallelograms, with 2 transitions. This is always the first row of the returned data frame.
if FALSE, then data on the non-deficient parallelograms is not included, and the returned data frame only has data on the deficient parallelograms, with more than 2 transitions.


transitionsdf() returns a data.frame with a row for each number of transitions found, plus a final row with totals on appropriate columns. The columns are:


the number of transitions, a positive even integer, in increasing order.


the number of parallelograms with the given number of transitions


the min and max of the area of the parallelograms with the given number of transitions


the total area of the parallelograms with the given number of transitions


the min and max of the deficit of the parallelograms with the given number of transitions. When there are 2 transitions the deficit should be exactly 0, but is usually slightly non-0 due to truncation. When there are more than 2 transitions the deficit is positive.


the 2 generators (from the ground set of the simplified matroid) of the parallelogram with the maximum area

In case of error, the function returns NULL.


Because of the 1-1 correspondence between similar parallelograms, the surface areas of the 2-transition surface and the boundary of the zonohedron are equal.

See Also

zonohedron(), plot.zonohedron()

zonogon construction


Construct a zonogon from a numeric matrix with 2 rows.


zonogon( mat, e0=0, e1=1.e-6, ground=NULL )

polarzonogon( n, m=n, ground=NULL )



a numeric 2xM matrix, where 2 \le M. The matrix must have rank 2 (verified). The M columns are the generators of the zonogon.


threshold for a column of mat to be considered 0, in the LL^\infty norm. Since the default is e0=0, by default a column must be exactly 0 to be considered 0.


threshold, in a pseudo-angular sense, for non-zero column vectors to be multiples of each other, and thus members of a group of multiple (aka parallel) points in the associated matroid. It OK for a column to be a negative multiple of another.


The ground set of the associated matroid of rank 2 - an integer vector in strictly increasing order, or NULL.
When ground is NULL, it is set to 1:ncol(mat). If ground is not NULL, length(ground) must be equal to ncol(mat). The point ground[i] corresponds to the i'th column of mat.


an integer \ge 3. The generators are computed as n equally spaced points on the unit circle, starting at (1,0).


an integer with 2 \le m \le n. When m < n, only the first m points are used as generators of the zonogon.


polarzonogon() is useful for testing. The term polar zonogon is my own, and based on the polar zonohedron in Chilton & Coxeter. It it loads the matrix mat and passes it to zonogon(). When m=n the zonogon is a regular 2n-gon. When m<n the zonogon is a has 2m vertices, but is not necessarily regular. The generators correspond to the n'th-roots of unity.


zonogon() and polarzonogon() return a list with S3 class 'zonogon'. In case of error, e.g. invalid mat, the functions print an error message and returns NULL.


The ground set of positive integers should not be too sparse; otherwise performance may suffer.


B. L. Chilton and H. S. M. Coxeter. Polar Zonohedra. The American Mathematical Monthly. Vol 70. No. 9. pp. 946-951. 1963.

See Also

zonohedron(), zonoseg(),

get important metrics about a zonogon, and print basic facts about a zonogon.


Get some important zonogon metrics; some computation is used. Also print the data, and more.


## S3 method for class 'zonogon'
getmetrics( x )

## S3 method for class 'zonogon'
print( x, ... )



a zonogon object


not used


print.zonogon() prints some basic information about the zonogon, and the associated matroid.


getmetrics() returns a list with these items:


the number of vertices


the sum of the lengths of the all edges


as a polygon

All of these are always positive.

print.zonogon() returns TRUE or FALSE.

See Also

zonogon(), getmetrics.zonohedron()

invert points in a zonogon


A zonogon ZZ is the image of a linear map [0,1]nZR2[0,1]^n \to Z \subset \bold{R}^2, from the n-cube to the plane. For a point in a zonogon, this function finds a point in the unit cube that maps to it. There are infinitely many such points in general (unless n=2n=2), but this function picks a specific point using the standard tiling, see Details.


## S3 method for class 'zonogon'
invert( x, z, tol=0, plot=FALSE, ... )



a zonogon object as returned by the constructor zonogon()


a numeric Mx2 matrix, with M points in the rows. z can also be a numeric vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


points that are within tol of the boundary are still processed, see Details


if TRUE then the points in z are added to an existing plot of the zonogon x, using a red X symbol, see plot.zonogon(). If there is no plot open, a warning is issued.


not used


The given points are first tested for being inside the zonogon, using inside() and the given tol. If any are outside, a warning is issued. When the corresponding point pcube is computed, it is clamped to the unit cube, so the inversion error may be as large as tol.

Inversion is not unique in general. For this function, the standard tiling of the zonogon by parallelograms is computed; it is an example of a zonotopal tiling. It is a regular zonotopal tiling because it arises from the projection of a zonohedron onto the plane, see Ziegler. The function plot.zonogon() has an option to plot this tiling. Given the point z, the function determines a parallelogram that contains the point. The pcube coordinates of the base of this parallelogram are all 0 or 1, and the coordinates of z within the parallelogram are in [0,1]. Thus, all coordinates of pcube are 0 or 1, except possibly for 2 of them.


invert.zonogon() returns a data.frame with M rows and these columns:


the given point


a point in the unit cube that maps to z. Every pcube has all coordinates 0 or 1, except possibly for the 2 given by hyper, see Details.


the 2 indexes of the generators of the parallelogram that contains z, in the simplified matroid. These 2 coordinates in pcube are not 0 or 1 in general.


the index of the parallelogram that contains z

If a point z cannot be inverted, the other columns are all NA, and a warning message is printed.

If the row names of z are unique, they are copied to the row names of the output. The column names of pcube are copied from the ground set of the associated matroid.

In case of error, the function returns NULL.


Ziegler, G.M. Lectures on Polytopes. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer New York. 2007.

See Also

zonogon(), inside(), plot.zonogon()


#   make a zonogon with 5 generators
pz20 = polarzonogon( 20, 5 )

#   make 7 random points in the zonogon
pcube = matrix( runif(5*7), 5, 7 )
z = t( getmatrix(pz20) %*% pcube )

#  invert these 7 points back to the cube
invert( pz20, z )
#         z.1       z.2    pcube.1    pcube.2    pcube.3    pcube.4    pcube.5
# 1 2.0676319 1.6279807 0.00000000 0.70030526 1.00000000 1.00000000 0.01553241
# 2 2.4031738 1.9658035 0.00000000 0.96572153 1.00000000 1.00000000 0.28450140
# 3 0.9230336 1.0885446 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.39548689 1.00000000 0.04948838
# 4 2.5242122 1.7395069 0.16540765 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 0.03542132
# 5 2.2598725 1.0601592 0.38111324 1.00000000 1.00000000 0.20192029 0.00000000
# 6 1.1387813 1.2636700 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.65250505 1.00000000 0.07478012
# 7 1.6315341 1.0777737 0.00000000 0.64210923 1.00000000 0.36039509 0.00000000

#   hyper.1 hyper.2 hyperidx
# 1       2       5        7
# 2       2       5        7
# 3       3       5        9
# 4       1       5        4
# 5       1       4        3
# 6       3       5        9
# 7       2       4        6

plot a zonogon


Plot a zonogon object, with many options.


## S3 method for class 'zonogon'
plot( x, orientation=TRUE, normals=FALSE, elabels=FALSE, 
                            tiling=FALSE,  tlabels=FALSE,
                            trans2=FALSE, trans2type='both', ... )



a zonogon object as returned by the constructor zonogon()


if TRUE then draw the edges with orientation arrows. Otherwise just draw unoriented line segments.


if TRUE then draw an outward-pointing unit normal on each edge


if TRUE then label each edge with its generator


if TRUE then draw the standard tiling of the zonogon by parallelograms


if TRUE then label each parallelogram in the tiling with its generators. If tiling is FALSE then this is ignored.


if TRUE then draw the image of the 2-transition subcomplex of the unit cube [0,1]n[0,1]^n, in the color blue.
trans2 can also be an integer 2-vector defining a range of levels of the subcomplex, where the level of a vertex of the nn-cube is the number of 1s. Both integers should be between 00 and nn.


which part of the 2-transition subcomplex to draw. It can be 'BP' for bandpass (aka Type 1), 'BS' for bandstop (aka Type 2), or 'both' for both.


not used


A white dot is plotted at the center of the zonogon. A suitable is title is added above the plot. If the zonogon was returned from spherize.zonotope() the string "[spherized]" is added to the title.


The function returns TRUE; or FALSE in case of error.

See Also

zonogon(), spherize.zonotope()

compute the intersection of a ray, based in the interior of a zonogon, and the boundary of that zonogon


The open ray with basepoint b\bold{b} and non-zero direction d\bold{d} is the set of the form b+td\bold{b} + t \bold{d} where t>0t > 0.

This function computes the intersection of an open ray and the boundary of a zonogon ZZ. The basepoint is normally required to be in the interior of ZZ, but an exception is made if the basepoint is 0, and on the boundary of ZZ, and the direction points into the interior of ZZ. In these two cases the intersection of the open ray and the boundary of ZZ is unique. In the second case, the basepoint is also allowed to be the sum of all the generators - the so-called white point of ZZ.


## S3 method for class 'zonogon'
raytrace( x, base, direction, plot=FALSE, ... )



a zonogon object as returned by the constructor zonogon()


a numeric 2-vector - the basepoint of all the rays. base must either be in the interior of x, or 0 or the white point and on the boundary of x.


a numeric Mx2 matrix with M non-zero directions in the rows. The basepoint and these directions define M rays.
direction can also be a numeric vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


if TRUE, the computed rays, up to the boundary, are added to an existing plot of the zonogon x, see plot.zonogon(). The segments are drawn in the color red. If there is no open plot, a warning is issued.


not used


raytrace.zonogon() returns a data.frame with M rows and these columns:


the given basepoint - this is the same in every row


the given direction


the index of the facet (an edge) where ray exits the zonogon


of the facet, either +1 or -1


ray parameter of the intersection with the exit facet, always positive


the point on the boundary; the intersection of the ray and the facet


the computation time, in seconds

If base and direction in a row cannot be processed, the rest of the row is NA.

If the row names of direction are unique, they are copied to the row names of the output.

In case of error, the function returns NULL.

See Also

zonogon(), plot.zonogon(), section.zonohedron()


#   make a zonogon with 5 generators
pz20 = polarzonogon( 20, 5 )

#   make 4 random directions
dir = matrix(rnorm(4*2),4,2)

#  use basepoint in the interior of the zonogon
raytrace( pz20, c(0.5,0.5), dir )
#   base.1 base.2 direction.1 direction.2 facetidx sign      tmax boundary.1 boundary.2    timetrace
# 1    0.5    0.5   1.2629543   0.4146414        4   -1 2.0503073 3.08944438 1.35014236 7.680000e-05
# 2    0.5    0.5  -0.3262334  -1.5399500        1   -1 0.3246859 0.39407664 0.00000000 4.649995e-05
# 3    0.5    0.5   1.3297993  -0.9285670        2   -1 0.4868719 1.14744192 0.04790678 4.310103e-05
# 4    0.5    0.5   1.2724293  -0.2947204        2   -1 0.9354693 1.69031851 0.22429808 4.149997e-05

#  use basepoint at 0 - on the boundary of the zonogon
raytrace( pz20, c(0,0), dir )
#   base.1 base.2 direction.1 direction.2 facetidx sign     tmax boundary.1 boundary.2 timetrace
# 1      0      0   1.2629543   0.4146414        4   -1 2.192481  2.7690037  0.9090936 0.0001216
# 2      0      0  -0.3262334  -1.5399500       NA   NA       NA         NA         NA        NA
# 3      0      0   1.3297993  -0.9285670       NA   NA       NA         NA         NA        NA
# 4      0      0   1.2724293  -0.2947204       NA   NA       NA         NA         NA        NA

compute the intersection of a line and the boundary of a zonogon


Generically, a line intersects the boundary of a zonogon in 2 points. Computing those 2 points is the chief goal of this function.
For a supporting line, the intersection is a face of the zonogon, but in this function only one point of intersection is computed and returned.


## S3 method for class 'zonogon'
section( x, normal, beta, tol=1.e-10, plot=FALSE, ... )



a zonogon object as returned by the constructor zonogon()


a non-zero numeric 2-vector - the normal of all the lines


a numeric M-vector of line-constants. The equation of the k'th line k is: <x,normal> = beta[k].


a small positive number, used as the tolerance for the line being considered a supporting line


if TRUE, the line segments formed by the the intersection of the lines and the zonogon are added to an existing plot of the zonogon x, see plot.zonogon(). The segments are drawn in dashed linestyle and the color red. boundary1 and boundary2 are plotted as points. If there is no open plot, a warning is issued.


not used


section.zonogon() returns a data.frame with M rows and these columns:


the given normal vector - this is the same in every row


the given line constant


the 1st intersection point - a 2-vector


the 2nd intersection point - a 2-vector

Regarding orientation, if normal is considered "north" then boundary1 is on the "west" and boundary2 is on the "east".

If a line is a supporting line of the zonogon, then boundary1 is some point in the boundary face (vertex or edge), and boundary2 is NA. If a line does not intersect the zonogon, both boundary1 and boundary2 are NA.

If the names of beta are unique, they are copied to the row names of the output.

In case of error, the function returns NULL.

See Also

zonogon(), plot.zonogon(), section.zonohedron()


#   make a zonogon with 5 generators
pz20 = polarzonogon( 20, 5 )

section( pz20, normal=c(1,1), beta=-1:5 )
#   normal.1 normal.2 beta   boundary1.1   boundary1.2 boundary2.1 boundary2.2
# 1        1        1   -1            NA            NA          NA          NA
# 2        1        1    0 -2.220446e-16  0.000000e+00          NA          NA
# 3        1        1    1  2.452373e-01  7.547627e-01   1.0000000   0.0000000
# 4        1        1    2  6.203838e-01  1.379616e+00   1.7547627   0.2452373
# 5        1        1    3  1.095537e+00  1.904463e+00   2.3796162   0.6203838
# 6        1        1    4  1.674729e+00  2.325271e+00   2.9044629   1.0955371
# 7        1        1    5  2.420068e+00  2.579932e+00   3.3252706   1.6747294

zonohedron construction


Construct a zonohedron from a numeric matrix with 3 rows. Also construct some special zonohedra useful for testing.


zonohedron( mat, e0=0, e1=1.e-6, e2=1.e-10, ground=NULL )

polarzonohedron( n, m=n, height=pi, ground=NULL )

regularprism( n, m=n, axis=c(0,0,1), ground=NULL )



a numeric 3xM matrix, where 3 \le M. The matrix must have rank 3 (verified). The M columns are the generators of the zonohedron.


threshold for a column of mat to be considered 0, in the LL^\infty norm. Since the default is e0=0, by default a column must be exactly 0 to be considered 0.


threshold, in a pseudo-angular sense, for non-zero column vectors to be multiples of each other, and thus members of a group of multiple (aka parallel) points in the associated matroid. It OK for a column to be a negative multiple of another.


threshold, in a pseudo-angular sense, for the planes spanned by pairs of column vectors to be considered coincident, and thus the columns to be in the same hyperplane of the associated matroid.


The ground set of the associated matroid of rank 3 - an integer vector in strictly increasing order, or NULL.
When ground is NULL, it is set to 1:ncol(mat). If ground is not NULL, length(ground) must be equal to ncol(mat). The point ground[i] corresponds to the i'th column of mat.


an integer \ge 3. The generators are computed as n equally spaced points on a circle. See Details for more on this circle.


an integer with 2 \le m \le n. When m < n, only the first m points are used as generators of the zonohedron.


the z value at the apex of the zonohedron, which is the sum of all the generators. The z value of all the generators is set to make this happen. When height=pi, as nn \to \infty the zonohedron converges to the interior of the surface of revolution of the curve x=sin(z)x = sin(z) for z[0,π]z \in [0,\pi], see Chilton & Coxeter.


the axis of the regular prism. It must be a 3-vector with z value non-zero.


In zonohedron(), the contruction of the zones (or belts) is optimized by following the procedure in Heckbert. The key step is sorting face normals that all lie on a great circle of the unit sphere.

For polarzonohedron() the circle is centered at (0,0,height/n) and parallel to the xy-plane. The radius is height/n.

For regularprism() the circle is the unit circle in the xy-plane. The 3-vector axis is added as column m+1 of the matrix. The returned zonohedron is the Minkowski sum of a zonogon and the line segment defined by axis. If m < n, the zonogon may not be regular.

Both of these functions are useful for testing. They load the matrix mat and pass it to zonohedron().


zonohedron() and polarzonohedron() return a list with S3 class 'zonohedron'. In case of error, e.g. invalid mat, the functions print an error message and returns NULL.


The ground set of positive integers should not be too sparse; otherwise performance may suffer.


B. L. Chilton and H. S. M. Coxeter. Polar Zonohedra. The American Mathematical Monthly. Vol 70. No. 9. pp. 946-951. 1963.

Paul Heckbert. An Efficient Algorithm for Generating Zonohedra. 3-D Technical Memo 11. 24 February 1985. Computer Graphics Lab. New York Institute of Technology

See Also

zonohedron(), zonoseg(),

plot a zonohedron


Plot a zonohedron object in 3D, with many options.


## S3 method for class 'zonohedron'
plot( x, type='e', pcol=NULL, ecol=NULL, ewd=3, etcol=NA,
        fcol=NULL, falpha=1, normals=FALSE, bgcol="gray40", both=TRUE, ... )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


a string of letter with what parts to draw. If type contains an 'p', then draw a point at the center of each facet. If type contains an 'e', then draw the edges. If type contains an 'f', then draw filled facets.


The color to use when drawing points. It can be a vector of 2 colors, and then when both is TRUE, the first color is used for one half, and the second color is used for the antipodal half. When pcol is NULL, it is set to c('black','red').


A vector of colors to use when drawing the edges. Let N be the number of simplified generators of the zonohedron. Each edge is parallel to exactly one of the generators, so this divides the edges into N zones, or belts. ecol can be a vector of N colors, one for each zone. If ecol is shorter than N, it is extended to length N using the last color. If ecol is longer than N, the extra colors are ignored. If ecol is NULL, it is set to rainbow(N).


width of the edges, in pixels


color of the tiling edges, for the standard tiling of the facets by parallelograms. This only applies to facets that are not parallelograms. The default etol=NA means do not draw these edges.


A vector of colors to use when drawing the facets. The 1st color is used for parallelograms, the next color for hexagons, etc. For facets with more edges than colors available, the last color is used. If fcol is NULL, it is set to c( 'blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'green', 'orange', 'purple' ).


opacity of the facets


if TRUE then draw an outward-pointing unit normal from each facet


the background color


if FALSE then draw only one half of the centrally symmetric boundary. Otherwise draw both halves. This affects points, edges, and facets.


not used


Points are drawn with rgl::points3d(). Edges are drawn with rgl::segments3d(). Edges of the tiles are drawn with rgl::quads3d(). Facets are drawn with rgl::quads3d(); facets with more than 4 edges are split into trapezoids. Facet normals are drawn with rgl::arrow3d().


The function returns TRUE; or FALSE in case of error.


The package rgl is required for 3D plots. A large black point is drawn at 0, a 50% gray point at the center, and a large white point at the "white point" (which is 2*center).

A line from the black point to the white point is also drawn.

See Also

zonohedron(), spherize.zonotope()

compute the intersection of a ray, based in the interior of a zonohedron, and the boundary of that zonohedron


The open ray with basepoint b\bold{b} and non-zero direction d\bold{d} is the set of the form b+td\bold{b} + t \bold{d} where t>0t > 0.

This function computes the intersection of an open ray and the boundary of a zonohedron ZZ. The basepoint is normally required to be in the interior of ZZ, but an exception is made if the basepoint is 0, and on the boundary of ZZ, and the direction points into the interior of ZZ. In these two cases the intersection of the open ray and the boundary of ZZ is unique. In the second case, the basepoint is also allowed to be the sum of all the generators - the so-called white point of ZZ.


## S3 method for class 'zonohedron'
raytrace( x, base, direction, invert=FALSE, plot=FALSE, ... )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


a numeric 3-vector - the basepoint of all the rays. base must either be in the interior of x, or 0 or the white point and on the boundary of x.


a numeric Mx3 matrix with M non-zero directions in the rows. The basepoint and these directions define M rays.
direction can also be a numeric vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


if TRUE, then compute a point in the unit cube that maps to the point on the boundary of x and add it as a column in the returned data.frame


if TRUE, the computed rays, up to the boundary, are added to an existing plot of the zonohedron x, see plot.zonohedron(). The segments are drawn in the color red. If there is no open plot, a warning is issued.


not used


If plot is TRUE, the rays are drawn with rgl::segments3d().


raytrace.zonohedron() returns a data.frame with M rows and these columns:


the given basepoint - this is the same in every row


the given direction


the index of the facet (a zonogon) where ray exits the zonohedron


of the facet, either +1 or -1


ray parameter of the intersection with the exit facet, always positive


the point on the boundary; the intersection of the ray and the facet


the computation time, in seconds

And if invert is TRUE, then these columns are added:


signed distance to the boundary of x


a point in the unit cube that maps to boundary


the number of transitions in pcube - a non-negative even integer

If base and direction in a row cannot be processed, the rest of the row is NA.

If the row names of direction are unique, they are copied to the row names of the output.

In case of error, the function returns NULL.


The package rgl is required for 3D plotting.

See Also

zonohedron(), plot.zonohedron(), section.zonohedron(), invertboundary(), raytrace.zonogon()


#   make a regular prism, a regular 20-gon extruded 1 unit along z-axis
rp10 = regularprism( 10 )

#   make 7 random directions
dir = matrix(rnorm(7*3),7,3)

#  use basepoint in the interior of the zonohedron
raytrace( rp10, c(0.5,0.5,0.5), dir )
#   base.1 base.2 base.3  direction.1  direction.2  direction.3 facetidx sign      tmax   ...
# 1    0.5    0.5    0.5  1.262954285 -0.294720447 -0.299215118        1    1 1.6710386   ...
# 2    0.5    0.5    0.5 -0.326233361 -0.005767173 -0.411510833        1    1 1.2150348   ...
# 3    0.5    0.5    0.5  1.329799263  2.404653389  0.252223448        6   -1 0.8724774   ...
# 4    0.5    0.5    0.5  1.272429321  0.763593461 -0.891921127        1    1 0.5605877   ...
# 5    0.5    0.5    0.5  0.414641434 -0.799009249  0.435683299        1   -1 1.1476226   ...
# 6    0.5    0.5    0.5 -1.539950042 -1.147657009 -1.237538422        1    1 0.4040279   ...
# 7    0.5    0.5    0.5 -0.928567035 -0.289461574 -0.224267885        1    1 2.2294766   ...

#  use basepoint 0 on the boundary of the zonohedron
#  note that only 2 directions point into the interior
raytrace( rp10, c(0,0,0), dir )
#   base.1 base.2 base.3  direction.1  direction.2  direction.3 facetidx sign     tmax   ...
# 1      0      0      0  1.262954285 -0.294720447 -0.299215118       NA   NA       NA   ...
# 2      0      0      0 -0.326233361 -0.005767173 -0.411510833       NA   NA       NA   ...
# 3      0      0      0  1.329799263  2.404653389  0.252223448        6   -1 1.128580   ...
# 4      0      0      0  1.272429321  0.763593461 -0.891921127       NA   NA       NA   ...
# 5      0      0      0  0.414641434 -0.799009249  0.435683299        1   -1 2.295245   ...
# 6      0      0      0 -1.539950042 -1.147657009 -1.237538422       NA   NA       NA   ...
# 7      0      0      0 -0.928567035 -0.289461574 -0.224267885       NA   NA       NA   ...

compute the intersection of a plane and the boundary of a zonohedron


Generically, a plane intersects the boundary of a zonohedron in a convex polygon. Computing that polygon is the chief goal of this function.
For a supporting plane, the intersection is a face of the zonohedron, but in this function only one point of intersection is computed and returned.


## S3 method for class 'zonohedron'
section( x, normal, beta, tol=1.e-10, plot=FALSE, ... )



a zonohedron object as returned by the constructor zonohedron()


a non-zero numeric 3-vector - the normal of all the planes


a numeric M-vector of line-constants. The equation of the k'th plane k is: <x,normal> = beta[k].


a small positive number, used as the tolerance for the plane being considered a supporting plane


if TRUE, the polygons formed by the the intersection of the planes and the boundary of the zonohedron are added to an existing 3D plot of the zonohedron x, see plot.zonohedron(). The polygons are drawn in red.


not used


Given a plane, the function finds all the facets of the zonohedron that intersect the plane. For each such facet it computes a single point of intersection on the boundary of the facet. For the parallelograms, the computation is done in a C function; and for zonogon facets with 3 or more generators, the computation is done in section.zonogon(). Orientation is handled carefully so that no point appears twice. The facets are not processed in order around the boundary, so these points are in no particular order. They are put in polygon order by sorting them by angle around a suitable "diameter" of the zonohedron.


section.zonohedron() returns a list of length M (=length(beta)), and the i'th item in the list is a data frame with these columns:


a Px3 matrix with the P points of the i'th polygon in the rows. If the plane does not intersect the zonohedron, then P=0 and the matrix has 0 rows. If the plane is a supporting plane, the polygon is degenerate and P=1 and the matrix has 1 row. The row names of section are the indexes of the facets that contain the vertices of the polygon; see Details.


index of a hyperplane that contains the given point


The sign specifying which of the 2 facets (selected or antipodal) contains the given point. The value is +1 or -1.

The names of the list are readable strings that contain normal and beta[i].

In case of error, the function returns NULL.


The package rgl is required for 3D plotting.

See Also

zonohedron(), plot.zonohedron(), section.zonogon()

zonoseg construction, querying, and printing


Construct a zonoseg from a numeric matrix with one row.

A zonoseg ("zonotope" + "segment") is my own personal term for a 1-dimensional zonotope. I could not find an alternative term. It is a linear image of the unit cube [0,1]n[0,1]^n in the real numbers, and a compact segment of reals. The order of the generators has no effect on the zonoseg.

The image of the 2-transition subcomplex of [0,1]n[0,1]^n is a compact subsegment of the zonoseg. The order of the generators affects this subsegment in a major way.


zonoseg( mat, e0=0, ground=NULL )

## S3 method for class 'zonoseg'
getsegment( x )

## S3 method for class 'zonoseg'
getsegment2trans( x )

## S3 method for class 'zonoseg'
print( x, ... )



a numeric matrix with 1 row whose entries determine the zonoseg. One or more entries must be non-zero. It is OK to have both positive and negative entries.
mat can also be a numeric vector which is then converted to a matrix with 1 row.


threshold for an entry of mat to be considered 0. Since the default is e0=0, by default an entry must be exactly 0 to become a loop in the associated matroid.


The ground set of the associated matroid of rank 1 - an integer vector in strictly increasing order, or NULL.
When ground is NULL, it is set to 1:ncol(mat). If ground is not NULL, length(ground) must be equal to ncol(mat). The point ground[i] corresponds to the i'th column of mat.


a zonoseg object as returned by zonoseg()


not used


A zonoseg object is a list with only 3 items: the associated matroid, the endpoints of the segment, and endpoints of the 2-transition subsegment.

print.zonoseg() prints some information about the generators, and the endpoints of the segment plus the 2 vertices of the unit cube that map to these endpoints. It prints similar data for the 2-transition subsegment. Finally, it prints data on the associated matroid.


zonoseg() returns a list with S3 class 'zonoseg'. In case of error, e.g. invalid mat, the function prints an error message and returns NULL.

getsegment() and getsegment2trans() return numeric 2-vectors - the min and max endpoints of the corresponding segments.

print.zonoseg() returns TRUE or FALSE.


The ground set of positive integers should not be too sparse; otherwise performance may suffer.


Matroid - Wikipedia.

See Also



zono1 = zonoseg( c(1,-2,3,0,-3,-4) )

# generators:        6 -- 3 negative, 2 positive, and 1 loops.
# segment:                   [-9,4]
#      value pcube.1 pcube.2 pcube.3 pcube.4 pcube.5 pcube.6
# zmin    -9       0       1       0       0       1       1
# zmax     4       1       0       1       0       0       0
# 2-transition subsegment:   [-8,3]
#             value source.1 source.2 source.3 source.4 source.5 source.6
# tmin-2trans    -8        1        1        0        0        1        1
# tmax-2trans     3        0        0        1        1        0        0
# matroid:
# ground set:           6 points   {1 2 3 4 5 6}
# hyperplanes:          1     {4}
# rank:                 1
# loops:                1   {4}
# multiple groups:      1     {1 2 3 5 6}
# uniform:              FALSE
# paving:               TRUE
# simple:               FALSE
# This matroid is constructed from a 1x6 real matrix.
#      1  2 3 4  5  6
# [1,] 1 -2 3 0 -3 -4
# The summary of the simplified matroid is:
#     ground set:           1 points   {1}
#                       Point 1 corresponds to the multiple group {1 2 3 5 6} in the original ...
#      hyperplanes:          1     {}
#      rank:                 1
#      loops:                0   {}
#      multiple groups:      0   {}
#      uniform:              TRUE
#      paving:               TRUE
#      simple:               TRUE
#      This matroid is constructed from a 1x1 real matrix.
#           1+...+6
#      [1,]     -13

## so the 2-transition subsegment is a proper subset of the zonoseg

invert points in a zonoseg


For points in a zonoseg, find points in the unit cube that map to those points.


## S3 method for class 'zonoseg'
invert( x, z, tol=0, ... )



a zonoseg object as returned by the constructor zonoseg()


a numeric M-vector


points that are within tol of a boundary point are taken to be that point


not used


For a point in the interior of the zonoseg, there are infinitely many points in the cube that map to it. This function tries to find one with the fewest number of non-zero components.


invert.zonoseg() returns a data.frame with M rows and these columns:


the given point


a point in the unit cube that maps to z. For the 2 boundary points, pcube is a vertex. If z is outside the zonoseg, pcube is all NA, and a warning message is printed

If the names of z are unique, they are copied to the row names of the output. The column names are copied from the ground set of the associated matroid.

In case of error, the function returns NULL.

See Also



zono1 = zonoseg( c(1,-2,3,0,-3,-4) )
# generators:        6 -- 3 negative, 2 positive, and 1 loops.
# segment:                   [-9,4]
#      value pcube.1 pcube.2 pcube.3 pcube.4 pcube.5 pcube.6
# zmin    -9       0       1       0       0       1       1
# zmax     4       1       0       1       0       0       0
# 2-transition subsegment:   [-8,3]
#             value source.1 source.2 source.3 source.4 source.5 source.6
# tmin-2trans    -8        1        1        0        0        1        1
# tmax-2trans     3        0        0        1        1        0        0

z = c( 0, -3*pi, pi, 2*pi, getsegment(zono1) )

invert( zono1, z )
#           z   pcube.1   pcube.2   pcube.3   pcube.4   pcube.5   pcube.6
# 1  0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
# 2 -9.424778        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA
# 3  3.141593 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.7138642 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
# 4  6.283185        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA        NA
# 5 -9.000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
# 6  4.000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000

zonotope get functions


get some important members of a zonotope


## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
getmatrix( x )

## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
getmatroid( x )

## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
getcenter( x )



a zonotope object - a zonohedron, a zonogon, or a zonoseg


getmatrix() returns the matrix originally used to construct the zonotope x.

getmatroid() returns the matroid (possibly nonsimple) constructed from the matrix

getcenter() returns the center of the zonotope; which is also the center of radial symmetry. If x is an object-color solid, the center corresponds to the 50% graypoint. For the whitepoint multiply by 2.

See Also

zonohedron(), zonogon(), zonoseg()

zonotope properties


Get some important boolean properties of a zonotope.

pointed means that 0 is a vertex of the zonotope. salient means that 0 is in the boundary of the zonotope. So pointed implies salient, but not the reverse.

A zonotope has an associated convex cone - allow the coefficients of the generators to be any non-negative numbers. For convex cones, pointed means that the cone is in an open linear halfspace (except for 0). And salient means that the cone is in a closed linear halfspace (the cone may contain a line).

In terms of generators (of both zonotopes and convex cones), pointed means that the generators are in an open linear halfspace (except for 0 generators). And salient means that the generators are in a closed linear halfspace.


## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
is_pointed( x )

## S3 method for class 'zonotope'
is_salient( x )



a zonotope object - a zonohedron, a zonogon, or a zonoseg


For a zonohedron, if 0 is in the interior of an edge or a facet, then the zonohdron is salient but not pointed.
For a zonogon, if 0 is in the interior of an edge, then the zonogon is salient but not pointed.
For a zonoseg, both pointed and salient are equivalent to 0 being a boundary point. And this is equivalent to all the non-zero generators having the same sign (all negative or all positive).




Zonohedron - Wikipedia.

See Also

zonohedron(), zonogon(), zonoseg()


zono1 = zonoseg( c(1,-2,3,0,-3,-4) )

is_pointed( zono1 )
# [1] FALSE

is_salient( zono1 )
# [1] FALSE