Package 'spacesRGB'

Title: Standard and User-Defined RGB Color Spaces, with Conversion Between RGB and CIE XYZ and Lab
Description: Standard RGB spaces included are sRGB, 'Adobe' RGB, 'ProPhoto' RGB, BT.709, and others. User-defined RGB spaces are also possible. There is partial support for ACES Color workflows.
Authors: Glenn Davis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Glenn Davis <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.7-0
Built: 2025-02-16 02:59:54 UTC

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Basic Parameterized TransferFunctions


Each of these functions returns a TransferFunction object, that depends on the argument values passed to it. The returned object has the parameter values "locked in". These TransferFunction objects are a mixture of EOTFs, OETFs, OOTFs, and general-purpose transfer functions.


power.OETF( gamma )
power.EOTF( gamma )
power.OOTF( gamma )
BT.1886.EOTF( gamma=2.4, Lb=0, Lw=1 )
XYZfromRGB.TF( primaries, white )
affine.TF( y0, y1 )



the value of γ\gamma; it must be positive


the black level


the white level


a 3x2 or 4x2 matrix; see Details


a vector of length 1, 2, or 3; see Details


the number to which 0 maps


the number to which 1 maps


There are 3 valid combinations of primaries and white, as given in this table:

dim(primaries) length(white) Description
4x2 1 primaries is a 4x2 matrix with CIE xy chromaticities of R,G,B,W in the rows
3x2 2 primaries is a 3x2 matrix with CIE xy chromaticities of R,G,B in the rows
3x2 3 primaries is a 3x2 matrix with CIE xy chromaticities of R,G,B in the rows

If length(white) is 1, then white is the whitepoint Y. If length(white) is 2, then white is the whitepoint xy (CIE chromaticity); the whitepoint Y is taken to be 1. If length(white) is 3, white is the whitepoint XYZ (CIE tristimulus).
primaries can also be a plain numeric vector of length 6 or 8, which is then converted to a 3x2 or 4x2 matrix, by row.


power.OETF() returns a TransferFunction with the classical 1/γ1/\gamma power law. power.EOTF() returns a TransferFunction with the classical γ\gamma power law. power.OOTF() is the same as power.EOTF(), but having a different name may make the creation of new RGB spaces clearer. All three of these map [0,1] to [0,1].

BT.1886.EOTF() returns a TransferFunction that maps [0,1] to [Lb,Lw], with non-linearity given by gamma. The BT.1886 standard has details in Annex 1.

XYZfromRGB.TF() returns a 3D TransferFunction that is linear and maps RGB=(1,1,1) to the XYZ of white. The domain is set to the ACES cube [65504,65504]3[-65504, 65504]^3 and the range is set to the smallest enclosing box. For the inverse one can use XYZfromRGB.TF()^-1.

affine.TF() returns a 1D TransferFunction that maps 0 → y0y_0 and 1 → y1y_1 in an affine way. One must have y0y1y_0 \ne y_1, but is is OK to have y0>y1y_0 > y_1. No quantities are associated with these values; the function is intended for arbitrary 1D scaling.


BT.1886. Reference electro-optical transfer function for flat panel displays used in HDTV studio production. March 2011.

See Also


Basic TransferFunctions


sRGB.EOTF the standardized sRGB transfer function
BT.709.EOTF the standardized BT.709 transfer function
BT.2020.EOTF the standardized BT.2020 transfer function
ProPhotoRGB.EOTF the standardized ProPhotoRGB transfer function
SMPTE.240M.EOTF the standardized SMPTE-240M transfer function


All of these are built-in TransferFunction objects; they have no parameters and are ready-to-go. All are EOTFs and have domain and range the interval [0,1], and all are monotone increasing. All are defined in 2 pieces, with a linear segment near 0. All are easily inverted.


Wikipedia. sRGB.

BT.709. Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and international programme exchange. June 2015.

BT.2020. Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange. October 2015.

Wikipedia. ProPhoto RGB.

ANSI/SMPTE 240M-1995. SMPTE STANDARD for Television Signal Parameters 1125-Line High-Definition Production Systems.

See Also



# make plot comparing 5 EOTFs
colvec	= c('black','red','blue','green','orange')
plot( sRGB.EOTF, color=colvec[1], main="The Basic 5 EOTFs" )
plot( BT.709.EOTF, color=colvec[2], add=TRUE )
plot( BT.2020.EOTF, color=colvec[3], add=TRUE )
plot( ProPhotoRGB.EOTF, color=colvec[4], add=TRUE )
plot( SMPTE.240M.EOTF, color=colvec[5], add=TRUE )
legend( 'topleft', legend=c('sRGB','BT.709','BT.2020','ProPhotoRGB','SMPTE.240M'), 
             col=colvec, bty='n', lty=1, lwd=2 )

The composition of TransferFunction objects


The function composition(TF1,TF2) returns a TransferFunction that is TF1 followed by TF2. Four equivalent infix operators are also available.


## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
composition( TF1, TF2 )

## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
 TF1 * TF2 
## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
 TF1 %;% TF2 
## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
 TF1 %X% TF2 
## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
 TF2 %O% TF1 


## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
is.identity( TF )



a TransferFunction object


a TransferFunction object


a TransferFunction object


In order to be composed, the dimensions of TF1 and TF2 must be equal, or the dimension of one of them must be 1. In the latter case, the function is applied to each coordinate in exactly the same way.

All the above represent the function TF1 followed by TF2. In mathematics this operation is usually called composition of functions (and composition of morphisms in category theory), and in computer science and BT.2100 and BT.2390 it is called the concatenation. In BT.2390 it is also called the cascade.

The ACES literature uses infix notation with the symbol '+' which is unfortunate because in mathematics the plus symbol is only used for commutative operations, which composition certainly is not. The symbol '*' is offered here as an alternative, since '*' does not imply commutativity (e.g. as in MATLAB's matrix multiplication). In computer science the symbol ';' is common, and so %;% is offered as an alternative. In BT.2100 and BT.2390 the symbol ⊗ is used, and so %X% is offered as an alternative. And finally, in mathematics ○ is used but in the opposite order, so that TF2 %O% TF1 is identical to composition(TF1,TF2).
Each TransferFunction object is actually a list of so-called elementary transfer functions. If TF1 has M1M_1 elementary functions and TF2 has M2M_2 elementary functions, then composition(TF1,TF2) has M1+M2\le M_1 + M_2 elementary functions. It can be strictly less if there is cancellation of elementary functions at the end of TF1 and the beginning of TF2.


composition(TF1,TF2) returns a TransferFunction object, which applies TF1 followed by TF2. The individual objects TF1 and TF2 are stored inside the returned object. In case of ERROR it returns NULL. The 4 infix operators above all invoke composition().

identity.TF is a built-in global TransferFunction object which is a universal identity for composition. This means that for any TransferFunction TF, TF*identity.TF = identity.TF*TF = TF. Moreover, TF*TF^-1 = TF^1*TF = identity.TF. This is *not* the same as base::identity().

is.identity(TF) tests whether TF is the universal identity, and returns TRUE or FALSE.


Technical Bulletin. TB-2018-002. ACES Output Transform Details. June 2018 (draft).

ACES Retrospective and Enhancements March 2017.

BT.2100. Image parameter values for high dynamic range television for use in production and international programme exchange. June 2017.

BT.2390. High dynamic range television for production and international programme exchange. April 2018.

See Also

TransferFunction, transfer(), inverse()


comp = power.OOTF(2.2) * power.OOTF(1.4)
x = 0:100 / 100
max( abs( transfer(comp,x) - transfer(power.OOTF(2.2*1.4),x) ) )  #  1.110223e-16

comp * comp^-1
## This is a universal identity TransferFunction.

is.identity(comp * comp^-1)          # TRUE

identical( comp * identity.TF, comp )  # TRUE

Digital Cinema Distribution Master, the EOTF of DCDM


DCDM.EOTF the standardized DCDM transfer function


This is a TransferFunction designed to be applied to XYZ, instead of the usual RGB. The electrical encoding of XYZ is denoted X'Y'Z'. The EOTF is:

X=(52.37/48)(X)2.6X = (52.37/48) * (X')^{2.6}

and similarly for Y and Z.


SMPTE Standard RP 431-2. D-Cinema Quality - Reference Projector and Environment for the Display of DCDM in Review Rooms and Theaters. 2011.

See Also


Full Range to SMPTE Range


FullRangeToSMPTE.TF the standardized SMPTE range transfer function


This is a TransferFunction object that maps from non-linear display signal RGB to itself. It maps from the full range [0,1] to the smaller range [ 64/1023, 940/1023 ] \approx [ 0.06256109, 0.9188661 ]. The latter is the 10-bit "legal-SMPTE"" range. It does this in an affine way, and in fact simply uses affine.TF().

See Also

affine.TF(), TransferFunction

Hybrid Log-Gamma Transform


The Hybrid Log-Gamma OETF is a transfer function that allows for the display of high dynamic range (HDR) video. The version here is that supported by the ACES (Academy Color Encoding System) and HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) standards.
For use with ACES, a specialized HLG-based OOTF is provided that references the Perceptual Quality (PQ) EOTF. It converts the ST.2084 (PQ) output to HLG using the method specified in Section 7 of BT.2390-0.


HLG.OOTF( gamma=1.2, Lb=0, Lw=1000 )



the applied exponent, from scene linear to display linear


the luminance of black, in cd/m2cd/m^2, or nit.


the luminance of white, in cd/m2cd/m^2, or nit.


HLG.OOTF() is 3D and does not operate on each channel independently. It uses a scaling factor based on these RGB weights - (0.2627,0.6780,0.0593) - from Section 7 of BT.2390.


HLG.OETF() returns a univariate TransferFunction that maps linear scene RGB to signal display RGB. The interval [0,1] maps to [0,1] (as in the HVEC standard).
HLG.OOTF() returns a multivariate TransferFunction of dimension 3 that maps linear scene RGB to linear display RGB. It maps the cube [0,1]3^3 to the cube [Lb,Lw]3^3, but the image is only a proper subset of the cube.


ST-2084. SMPTE Standard - High Dynamic Range Electro-Optical Transfer Function of Mastering Reference Displays. 2014.

BT.2390. High dynamic range television for production and international programme exchange. April 2018.

H.265 : High Efficiency Video Coding. 2018-02-13.

See Also

TransferFunction, PQ.EOTF

The inverse of a TransferFunction Object


The function inverse() returns a TransferFunction that is the inverse of the argument (if the argument is invertible).

is.invertible() tests whether a TransferFunction object has an inverse.


## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
inverse( TF )

## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
 TF ^ n 

## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
is.invertible( TF )



a TransferFunction object


an integer exponent; valid values are -1, 0, and 1


inverse() returns a TransferFunction object obtained by swapping fun and funinv and swapping domain and range. The names of the elements composing TF are changed appropriately. If TF is not invertible, it returns NULL.

If n=-1, TF^n returns inverse(TF). If n=1, it returns TF. If n=0, it returns the universal identity.TF. For any other value of n it returns NULL.

is.invertible() returns TRUE or FALSE.

See Also


Convert Signal RGB coordinates to Linear RGB, XYZ, or Lab


Convert signal RGB coordinates to linear RGB, XYZ, or Lab


LinearRGBfromSignalRGB( RGB, space='sRGB', which='scene', TF=NULL, maxSignal=1 ) 

XYZfromRGB( RGB, space='sRGB', which='scene', TF=NULL, maxSignal=1 ) 

LabfromRGB( RGB, space='sRGB', which='scene', TF=NULL, maxSignal=1 )



a numeric Nx3 matrix with non-linear signal RGB coordinates in the rows, or a vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row. These should be in the appropriate cube [0,maxSignal]3^3; but see OutOfGamut in Value below.


the name of an installed RGB space. The name matching is partial and case-insensitive.


either 'scene' or 'display'. For LinearRGBfromSignalRGB(), which describes the output RGB. For XYZfromRGB(), which describes the output XYZ. For LabfromRGB(), which describes the output Lab. Usually the OOTF for the space is the identity and so 'scene' and 'display' are the same.


if not NULL, TF is a TransferFunction that overrides the appropriate transfer function of space.
TF can also be a positive number. If TF=1, then TF is set to identity.TF, so the returned RGB values are not clamped (see Value). If TF!=1 it is used to create either power.EOTF() or power.OETF() as approriate. If TF is not NULL in LinearRGBfromSignalRGB(), then space is ignored.


maximum value of the input signal RGB. It is just a simple scaling factor; other common values are 100, 255, 1023, 4095, and 65535. Even when maxSignal=1, the RGBs are still taken to be non-linear signal values.


In XYZfromRGB(), the conversion is done in 2 steps:

  • signal RGB → linear RGB using LinearRGBfromSignalRGB() and all other the given arguments

  • linear RGB → XYZ using the 3x3 matrix for the given space and which


XYZfromRGB() returns a data.frame with N rows and these columns:


a logical vector. TRUE means the input signal RGB is outside the cube [0,maxSignal]3^3. If TF is not identity.TF, then the input signal RGBs are clamped to this cube before further calculations.


the calculated XYZ vectors, using the appropriate 3x3 matrix for the RGB space. These are for viewing under the white point (either 'scene' or 'display') of the given RGB space.

LabfromRGB() returns a data.frame with N rows and these columns:


a logical vector. TRUE means the input signal RGB is outside the cube [0,maxSignal]3^3. If TF is not identity.TF, then the input signal RGBs are clamped to this cube before further calculations.


the calculated Lab vectors. First XYZ is calculated using XYZfromRGB(). Then XYZ → Lab is calculated using spacesXYZ::LabfromXYZ(), with the white point (either 'scene' or 'display') of the given RGB space. If R=G=B exactly, then a=b=0 exactly.

LinearRGBfromSignalRGB() returns a data.frame with N rows and these columns:


a logical vector. TRUE means the input signal RGB is outside the cube [0,maxSignal]3^3. If TF is not identity.TF, then the signal RGBs are clamped to this cube before linearizing.


the calculated linear RGB vectors, either scene linear or display linear, as specified by which.

In case of error, all functions return NULL.


Wikipedia. RGB color space.

See Also

RGBfromXYZ(), SignalRGBfromLinearRGB(), installRGB(), spacesXYZ::LabfromXYZ()


XYZfromRGB( c(128,200,255, 0,0,0,  255,255,255), max=255 )$XYZ * 100
##              X         Y        Z
##  [1,] 47.60334  53.11601 102.3549
##  [2,]  0.00000   0.00000   0.0000
##  [3,] 95.04559 100.00000 108.9058

XYZfromRGB( c(128,200,255, 0,0,0,  255,255,255), space='Adobe', max=255 )$XYZ   * 100
##              X         Y        Z
##  [1,] 42.36398  50.82876 103.8704
##  [2,]  0.00000   0.00000   0.0000
##  [3,] 95.04559 100.00000 108.9058

metadata of a TransferFunction object


Retrieve or set the metadata of a TransferFunction object. The user is free to set this as he/she wishes.


## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
metadata( x, ...)

## S3 replacement method for class 'TransferFunction'
metadata( x, add=FALSE ) <- value



a TransferFunction R object


optional names of metadata to return


a named list. If add is FALSE, value replaces any existing metadata. If add is TRUE, value is appended to the existing list of metadata. If a name already exists, its value is updated using modifyList(). Unnamed items in value are ignored.


if add=FALSE, any existing metadata is discarded. If add=TRUE then existing metadata is preserved, using modifyList().


The metadata list is stored as attr(x,'metadata'). After construction this list is empty.


metadata(x) with no additional arguments returns the complete named list of metadata. If arguments are present, then only those metadata items are returned.

See Also



## Not run: 
# get list of *all* metadata

# get just the number 'gamma'
metadata( TF, 'gamma' )

# alternative method to get just the number 'gamma'
metadata( TF )$gamma

# set the 'date'
metadata( TF ) = list( date="2016-04-01" )

## End(Not run)

Miscellaneous TransferFunction Methods


Miscellaneous TransferFunction methods


## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
dimension( TF )

## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
domain( TF )

## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
orientation( TF )



a TransferFunction object


dimension() returns a positive integer - the dimension of the domain and range of TF. If TF is a universal identity, it returns NA.

domain() returns a 2xN matrix with the domain box of TF, where N is dimension(TF). If TF is a universal identity, it returns NA.

orientation() returns a real number. If the value is positive it means that TF preserves orientation. If the value is negative it means that TF reverses orientation. When dimension(TF)=1, this simply corresponds to the function being monotone increasing or decreasing, respectively. In case of ERROR, the function returns NA.

See Also

TransferFunction identity.TF


TF = affine.TF( 1, 108 )

dimension(TF)					# 1

orientation(TF)					# 107

orientation( affine.TF( 100, 1 ) )		# -99

##      AU
##  min  0
##  max  1

Opto-Optical Transfer Function, general


This parameterized OOTF maps from ACES (linear scene) RGB to linear display RGB (both of these are optical in nature).
This transform bypasses non-linear signal display RGB (which is electrical in nature).


general.OOTF( display_pri, Ymin=0.00010, Ymid=7.2, Ymax=108,
                 observerWP=NULL, limiting_pri=NULL,
                 surround='dark', dynrange='SDR', glowmod='1.1', redmod='1.1' )



a 4x2 matrix containing the display primaries, or a numeric vector of length 8 that can be converted to such a matrix, by row. Some built-in matrices are REC709_PRI, etc. This argument cannot be NULL.


the minimum display luminance, in cd/m2cd/m^2, or nit.


the middle display luminance, in cd/m2cd/m^2, or nit.


the maximum display luminance, in cd/m2cd/m^2, or nit.


the xy chromaticity of the assumed observer whitepoint. This is used to make a Chromatic Adaptation Transform (CAT) from the ACES whitepoint (approximately D60) to the assumed observer whitepoint. If observerWP is NULL, it is taken from display_pri. If ACES and observer whitepoints are the same, there is no CAT.


a 4x2 matrix containing the limiting primaries, or a numeric vector of length 8 that can be converted to such a matrix, by row. If limiting_pri is not NULL, and not equal to display_pri, then the output RGB is clamped to the RGB cube that corresponds to limiting_pri.


The level of the surround luminance. Valid values are 'dark' and 'dim'. If the level is 'dark' there is no special color compensation. Partial matching is enabled and matching is case-insensitive.


the dynamic range of the display system. Valid values are 'SDR' (standard dynamic range) and 'HDR' (high dynamic range). If the value is 'HDR' then surround is ignored. Matching is partial and case-insensitive.


the version of the Glow Modifier to use. The only version currently supported is "1.1".
glowmod can also be NULL, NA, or FALSE, which means to use no Glow Modifier at all.


the version of the Red Modifier to use. The only version currently supported is "1.1". This string can also be "1.1+pinv" which means to use a precision inverse; the forward transfer is exactly the same. This precision inverse uses an iterative root-finder, and is slower than the approximate default inverse.
redmod can also be NULL, NA, or FALSE, which means to use no Red Modifier at all.


The transfer is complicated; here is a summary of the steps:

  1. glow module (see argument glowmod)

  2. red modifier (see argument redmod)

  3. matrix conversion from AP0 RGB → AP1 RGB

  4. clamp to non-negative RGB

  5. global desaturation (as in RRT.TF)

  6. single-stage tone-scale (SSTS) using Ymin, Ymid, and Ymax

  7. absolute luminance to linear code-value, in cube [0,1]3^3

  8. matrix conversion from AP1 RGB to XYZ

  9. dim surround compensation (optional, see arguments surround and dynrange)

  10. clamp XYZ to limiting primaries (optional, see argument limiting_pri)

  11. adapt XYZ from ACES whitepoint to observer whitepoint (optional, see argument observerWP)

  12. matrix conversion from XYZ to linear display RGB (see argument display_pri)

  13. scale and roll-white to avoid clipping (optional, only when observerWP is ACES whitepoint and display whitepoint is D65 or DCI whitepoint)

  14. clamp to non-negative RGB


general.OOTF() returns a TransferFunction of dimension 3 that maps ACES RGB to linear display RGB.
The domain of the returned TransferFunction depends on the values of Ymin, Ymid, and Ymax. The range is [0,1]3^3, for which clamping may be used.
The metadata contains the display primaries and whitepoint, which is useful in installRGB().


This function was based on source code at:; especially the file ACESlib.OutputTransforms.ctl. This transform is a sub-transform of the function outputTransform(); it omits the final EOTF1^{-1} and optional Full-to-SMPTE range.


ST 2065-1:2012. SMPTE Standard - Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES). 2013.

See Also

TransferFunction, installRGB(), metadata(), Standard Primaries

Partial Output Device Transform, general


A partial Output Device Transform (PODT) maps from OCES to linear display RGB (both of these are optical in nature). The adjective "partial" is used because this is an ODT that omits the final OETF (which maps from linear display RGB to signal display RGB).
This PODT is parameterized.


general.PODT( display_pri, Ymax=1, observerWP=NULL, surround='dark', limiting_pri=NULL )



a 4x2 matrix containing the display primaries, or a numeric vector of length 8 that can be converted to such a matrix, by row. Some built-in matrices are REC709_PRI, etc.
display_pri can also be NULL, which means that the PODT maps to XYZ, instead of RGB. This is used in the case of DCDM (Digital Cinema Distribution Master). See the User Guide Appendix for examples of this.
display_pri is stored in the metadata of the returned object and later used in installRGB() (if the PODT is passed in an argument).


the maximum luminance of the output device, in cd/m2cd/m^2 (or nits). This has no effect on the PODT itself. It is stored in the metadata and later used in installRGB() (if the PODT is passed in an argument) when computing the 3x3 matrix that transforms from display RGB to display XYZ.


the xy chromaticity of the assumed observer whitepoint. This is used to make a Chromatic Adaptation Transform (CAT) from the ACES whitepoint (approximately D60) to the assumed observer whitepoint. If observerWP is NULL, it is taken from display_pri. If display_pri is NULL, then it is taken from limiting_pri. If limiting_pri is NULL, or if two whitepoints are the same, then there is no CAT.


The level of the surround luminance. Valid values are 'dark' and 'dim'. If the level is 'dark' there is no special color compensation. Partial matching is enabled and matching is case-insensitive.


a 4x2 matrix containing the limiting primaries, or a numeric vector of length 8 that can be converted to such a matrix, by row. If limiting_pri is not NULL, and not equal to display_pri, then the output RGB is clamped to the RGB cube that corresponds to limiting_pri.


The transfer is complicated; here is a summary of the steps:

  1. matrix conversion from AP0 RGB → AP1 RGB

  2. clamp to non-negative RGB

  3. segmented spline, assuming CINEMA_WHITE=48 nit

  4. absolute luminance to linear code-value, in cube [0,1]3^3

  5. scale and roll-white to avoid clipping (optional, only when observerWP is ACES whitepoint and display whitepoint is D65 or DCI whitepoint)

  6. dim surround compensation with conversion to XYZ and back again (optional, see argument surround)

  7. matrix conversion from AP1 RGB to XYZ

  8. adapt XYZ from ACES whitepoint to observer whitepoint (optional, see argument observerWP)

  9. clamp XYZ to limiting primaries (optional, see argument limiting_pri)

  10. matrix conversion from XYZ to linear display RGB (but not for DCDM, see argument display_pri)

  11. clamp linear display RGB (or XYZ for DCDM) to the cube [0,1]3^3


general.PODT() returns a TransferFunction of dimension 3 that maps OCES RGB to linear display RGB. The domain is [0,10000]3^3 and the range is [0,1]3^3.
The metadata contains the display primaries and whitepoint, which is useful in installRGB().


This function was based on source code at:; especially the files under the folder aces-dev-master/transforms/ctl/odt/.


ST 2065-1:2012. SMPTE Standard - Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES). 2013.

See Also

TransferFunction, installRGB(), metadata(), RRT.TF, Standard Primaries

Perceptual Quality Transform


The Perceptual Quantizer is a transfer function that allows for the display of high dynamic range (HDR) video.


PQ.EOTF( Lmax=10000 )



the maximum luminance, in cd/m2cd/m^2, or nit.


PQ.EOTF() returns a TransferFunction that maps signal-display RGB to linear-display RGB. The interval [0,1] maps to [0,Lmax].


ST-2084. SMPTE Standard - High Dynamic Range Electro-Optical Transfer Function of Mastering Reference Displays. 2014.

See Also


plot a TransferFunction


plot a TransferFunction of dimension 1, 2, or 3.


## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
plot( x, color='red', main=TRUE, add=FALSE, ... )



a TransferFunction object with dimension N = 1, 2, or 3.


Any value acceptable as the col argument to graphics::lines(). If N=3 this argument is currently ignored.


If main=TRUE then a main title is generated from the object x. If main=FALSE then no main title is displayed. And if main is a character string then that string is used as the main title. If N=3 this argument is currently ignored.


If add=TRUE then the lines are added to an existing plot. If N=3 this argument is currently ignored.


other graphical parameters, see Details


If N=1 a conventional plot is drawn using graphics::lines(). Commonly used graphical parameters applicable when N=1 are:

log passed on to plot.default(). Care must be taken because many transfer functions have 0 in their domains.

If N=2 a grid is generated in the domain box, and the image of that grid is plotted using using graphics::lines().
If N=3 a grid is generated in the domain box, and the image of that grid is plotted in 3D using rgl::lines3d().



See Also

graphics::lines(), rgl::lines3d()

Plot Patches defined by RGB


RGB patches are a very common way of comparing color renderings. This function draws rectangular patches, and can also draw triangles formed by omitting one vertex from the rectangle.


plotPatchesRGB( obj, space='sRGB', which='signal', maxColorValue=1,
                     background='gray50', shape='full', add=FALSE, labels=FALSE, ... )



an Nx3 matrix of RGBs for N patches, preferably with assigned rownames. obj can also be a data.frame containing a unique matrix column whose name starts with the string 'RGB'. If obj has columns LEFT,TOP,WIDTH,HEIGHT then these are used to place the patches, with the Y coordinate increasing going down the page. If obj has columns LEFT,BOTTOM,WIDTH,HEIGHT then these are used to place the patches, with the Y coordinate increasing going up the page. If there are no columns defining the location and size of the patches, then defaults are supplied, see Details.


the name of an installed RGB space. When the input RGB is linear, a transfer function of this RGB space is used to convert linear RGB to signal RGB, see Details.


the meaning of the RGB values in obj. Valid values are 'signal', 'scene', and 'display'. See the Figure on page 2. Partial matching is used. For the RGB processing, see Details.


a positive number used for input RGB scaling, see Details


the color for the background behind all the patches. If it is a character string, it is passed directly to par() as parameter bg. If it is a numeric vector of length 3, it is processed just like the input RGB in obj, see Details. If it is a number, it is interpreted as graylevel, replicated to length 3, and treated as in the previous sentence.


If shape='full' (the default) then the full rectangle is drawn.
If shape='half' then the rectangle is shrunk to 1/2 size, and with the same center.
If shape is one of 'left', 'right', 'bottom', or 'top' then only a half-rectangle is drawn, and keeping the specified side.
If shape is one of 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft', or 'bottomright', then only a triangular half of the rectangle is drawn, and keeping the specified vertex.
If shape='hhex' then a hexagon is drawn inscribed in the rectangle with 2 horizontal opposite sides (in contact with the rectangle sides). And if the aspect ratio of the rectangle is 2:32:\sqrt{3} the hexagon is regular. If shape='vhex' then the inscribed rectangle has 2 vertical opposite sides.


if TRUE then the patches are added to an existing plot


controls how the patches are labeled, using rownames(obj), or 1:N if rownames(obj) is NULL. The function used is graphics::text(). If labels=FALSE then no labels are plotted. If labels=TRUE then labels are plotted in the center of the patch when there are columns defining the location and size of the patches, and to the right of the patch otherwise.
labels can also be a character string defining the location where the labels are drawn. It can be the side of the patches, i.e. left, right, top, or bottom, or the corner of the patches, i.e. bottomleft, bottomright, topleft, or topright.


additional arguments passed to graphics::text(). For example: adj, cex, etc.


If which='signal' then the input RGBs are converted to hex codes using rgb() using the maxColorValue argument, and the space argument is ignored.
If which='scene' or which='display' then the input linear RGBs are normalized by division by maxColorValue, and then converted to signal RGB using SignalRGBfromLinearRGB() with the space argument. The signal RGB is then converted to hex codes using rgb().

If obj is a matrix, or a data.frame without columns LEFT,TOP,WIDTH,HEIGHT, then the patches are drawn vertically stacked and abutting from top to bottom.


TRUE if successful, and FALSE otherwise

See Also

SignalRGBfromLinearRGB(), installRGB(), rgb()


RGB = round( 255 * matrix( runif(6*3), 6, 3 ) )
plotPatchesRGB( RGB, max=255 )

Print Basic Facts about a TransferFunction


Each TransferFunction object is actually a list of so-called elementary transfer functions; for details on this see composition(). This print() calls an internal print() function for each elementary function individually. The internal print() also calls an internal validate() (with default arguments) which runs some basic tests and formats the results nicely for printing, see validate().


## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
print( x, ... )



a TransferFunction object consisting of M elementary transfer functions


further arguments ignored, but required by the generic print()


The function returns TRUE or FALSE.

See Also

TransferFunction, validate(), composition()


tf = sRGB.EOTF^-1 * power.EOTF(2.5)
##  #--------------------   [sRGB.EOTF]^-1    ---------------------#
##  [sRGB.EOTF]^-1 is a univariate TransferFunction.
##  domain:      [0,1]  (linear display)
##  range:       [0,1]  (non-linear signal)
##  invertible:  Yes
##  orientation: preserving
##  range-test points = 1300, max(distance)=0.
##  validation:  Passed
##  #--------------------   power.EOTF(2.5)    ---------------------#
##  power.EOTF(2.5) is a univariate TransferFunction.
##  domain:      [0,1]  (non-linear signal)
##  range:       [0,1]  (linear display)
##  invertible:  Yes
##  orientation: preserving
##  range-test points = 1300, max(distance)=0.
##  validation:  Passed

Reference Rendering Transform


The fixed RRT.TF corresponds to the RRT in aces-dev 1.1.
A parameterized version general.RRT() is also provided - for experimentation. This one returns a TransferFunction with the argument values "locked-in".


general.RRT( glowmod="1.1", redmod="1.1" )



the version of the Glow Modifier to use. The only version currently supported is "1.1".
glowmod can also be NULL, NA, or FALSE, which means to use no Glow Modifier at all.


the version of the Red Modifier to use. The only version currently supported is "1.1". This string can also be "1.1+pinv" which means to use a precision inverse; the forward transfer is exactly the same. This precision inverse uses an iterative root-finder, and is slower than the approximate default inverse.
redmod can also be NULL, NA, or FALSE, which means to use no Red Modifier at all.


RRT.TF is a Transferfunction that maps ACES RGB to OCES RGB. Both spaces are relative to the AP1 primaries. RRT.TF is constructed by calling general.RRT() with its default arguments. The transfer is complicated; here is a summary of the steps starting with ACES RGB as input:

  1. glow module (see argument glowmod)

  2. red modifier (see argument redmod)

  3. matrix conversion from AP0 RGB → AP1 RGB

  4. clamp to non-negative RGB

  5. global desaturation

  6. segmented spline, applied to each channel separately

  7. matrix conversion from AP1 → AP0 (now OCES RGB)


general.RRT() returns a Transferfunction that maps ACES RGB to OCES RGB. The domain is [0,47000]3^3 and the range is [0,10000]3^3.


ST 2065-1:2012. SMPTE Standard - Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES). 2013.

See Also


Manage RGB Spaces


Install/uninstall RGB spaces in a dictionary. The dictionary comes with 8 RGB spaces pre-installed. To query the dictionary, use getRGB() and summaryRGB().


installRGB( space, scene, display=NULL, OETF=NULL, EOTF=NULL, OOTF=NULL, overwrite=FALSE )
uninstallRGB( space )



name of the RGB space to install or uninstall or query. After the RGB space is installed, the string space can be used in the conversion functions, e.g. RGBfromXYZ() and XYZfromRGB().


the specification of the scene primaries and whitepoint. There are many options here. The 1st option is a 4x2 matrix with the CIE xy chromaticities of R,G,B,W in the rows, in that order. The 2nd option is a list with 2 items: the primaries data and the whitepoint data. These are described in the section Primaries and Whitepoint Details below. If scene is NULL, it will duplicate the data from argument display.


the specification of the display primaries and whitepoint. The options are the same as for argument scene. If this is NULL (the default), the function will first look at the metadata of the transfer functions. These built-in transfer functions - general.OOTF() and general.PODT() - already have this metadata assigned. If the metadata is not found, it will duplicate the data from argument scene.


a TransferFunction of dimension 1 or 3.
OETF can also be a positive number γ\gamma, which is then passed to power.OETF() to create the TransferFunction. This is the classical 1/γ1/\gamma power law.
OETF can also be NULL; see section Transfer Function Details for valid combinations.


a TransferFunction of dimension 1 or 3.
EOTF can also be a positive number γ\gamma, which is then passed to power.EOTF() to create the TransferFunction. This is the classical γ\gamma power law.
EOTF can also be one of these strings: 'sRGB', 'ProPhotoRGB', 'BT.709', 'BT.2020', or '240M', which then installs the appropriate special EOTF function.
EOTF can also be NULL; see section Transfer Function Details for valid combinations.


a TransferFunction of dimension 1 or 3.
OOTF can also be a positive number γ\gamma, which is then passed to power.OOTF() to create the TransferFunction. This is the classical γ\gamma power law.
EOTF can also be NULL; see section Transfer Function Details for valid combinations.


in installRGB(), space is compared with previously installed RGB space names in case-insensitive way. If there is a match, and overwrite is FALSE, then the installation fails. If overwrite is TRUE, then the existing space is overwritten.


Both installRGB() and uninstallRGB() check for matches with existing names. The matching is full (not partial) and case-insensitive. So it is impossible to have 2 spaces that differ only in case.


installRGB() and uninstallRGB() return TRUE or FALSE.

Primaries and Whitepoint Details

The arguments scene and display can be a list with 2 items: primaries and white in that order. There are 3 options for this list, as given in this table:

dim(primaries) length(white) Description
4x2 1 primaries is a 4x2 matrix with CIE xy chromaticities of R,G,B,W in the rows
3x2 2 primaries is a 3x2 matrix with CIE xy chromaticities of R,G,B in the rows
3x2 3 primaries is a 3x2 matrix with CIE xy chromaticities of R,G,B in the rows

If length(white) is 1, then white is the whitepoint Y. If length(white) is 2, then white is the whitepoint xy (CIE chromaticity); the whitepoint Y is taken to be 1. If length(white) is 3, white is the whitepoint XYZ (CIE tristimulus).
The whitepoint is linearly transformed to RGB=(1,1,1). For better numeric compatibility with standards, xy is recommended. For better numeric compatibility with Lindbloom, XYZ is recommended. See the Examples below.

Transfer Function Details

The 3 transfer functions - OETF, EOTF, OOTF - can be NULL (the default) or given. This yields 8 combinations, but only 6 are valid, as given in this table:

OETF EOTF OOTF Description
given given given INVALID
given given OETF*EOTF OOTF is the composition OETF followed by EOTF
given OETF^-1*OOTF given EOTF is the composition OETF^-1 followed by OOTF
OOTF*EOTF^-1 given given OETF is the composition OOTF followed by EOTF^-1
given OETF^-1 identity.TF EOTF is set to OETF^-1, and OOTF is set to the identity
EOTF^-1 given identity.TF OETF is set to EOTF^-1, and OOTF is set to the identity
NULL NULL NULL all 3 transfer functions are set to identity.TF.

Think of these 3 functions as forming a triangle. If all 3 are given, the transfers may be ambiguous, i.e. the triangle may not commute. If 2 functions are given, the 3rd is computed from those 2. If only 1 function is given, and it is EOTF or OETF, then it makes sense to make the other one the inverse of the given one, so that the OOTF is the identity. If only the OOTF is given, there is no well-defined way to define the other 2. If none are given, as in the last row, this might be useful for testing conversion between RGB and XYZ.


All the RGB spaces are stored in a dictionary. If installRGB() is successful, the installed space is only in the dictionary until the end of the R session. To make it persist, please put the function call in an R script that is executed after the package is loaded.
The dictionary comes with 8 RGB spaces pre-installed.


Lindbloom, Bruce. RGB/XYZ Matrices.

See Also

getRGB(), summaryRGB() RGBfromXYZ(), XYZfromRGB(), TransferFunction, power.OETF(), power.EOTF(), power.OOTF()


#  install native RGB space for NEC PA242W display
prim = matrix( c(0.675,0.316, 0.199,0.715, 0.157,0.026), 3, 2, byrow=TRUE )
installRGB( 'PA242W', scene=NULL, display=list(primaries=prim,white=c(0.95047,1,1.08883)), OETF=2 )

#  install a linear version of sRGB  (OETF=1)
prim    = matrix( c(0.64,0.33,  0.30,0.60, 0.15,0.06), 3, 2, byrow=TRUE )
installRGB( 'linear-sRGB', scene=NULL, display=list(prim,c(0.3127,0.3290)), OETF=1 )

# make plot comparing three EOTFs
plot( getRGB('sRGB')$EOTF, col='black' )
plot( getRGB('linear')$EOTF, col='red', add=TRUE )
plot( getRGB('PA242W')$EOTF, col='blue', add=TRUE )

# Install an RGB space named 'HD+2.4', with encoding from BT.709 and display from BT.1886.
# the OOTF for this space is non-trivial
prim    = matrix( c(0.64,0.33,  0.30,0.60,  0.15,0.06 ), 3, 2, byrow=TRUE )
white   = c( 0.3127, 0.3290 )
installRGB( "HD+2.4", scene=NULL, display=list(prim,white),
                          OETF=(BT.709.EOTF)^-1, EOTF=BT.1886.EOTF(), over=TRUE )

# make plot comparing two OOTFs
plot( getRGB('HD+2.4')$OOTF, col='red')
plot( getRGB('sRGB')$OOTF, col='black', add=TRUE  )

Query RGB Spaces


Query and summarize the installed RGB spaces. The RGB spaces are stored in a dictionary, which comes with 8 RGB spaces pre-installed. These spaces are: sRGB, AdobeRGB, ProPhotoRGB, AppleRGB, BT.709, BT.2020, 240M, and HD+2.4.


summaryRGB( verbosity=1 )

getRGB( space )
getWhiteXYZ( space, which='scene' )



name of the RGB space to query. The name matching is partial and case-insensitive.


an integer that controls the return value of summaryRGB(), see Value.


the source of the whitepoint, either 'scene' or 'display'. Matching is partial and case-insensitive.


The function getWhiteXYZ() is provided because some applications only need the whitepoint for chromatic adaptation purposes, and this function is faster than getRGB().


summaryRGB(), with the default verbosity=1, returns a data.frame with a row for each RGB space. The row contains primary, whitepoint, and transfer function information for each space. The primary/whitepoint data is for both scene and display; all the data is numerical and the columns are labeled. There are 22 columns so the display is very wide.
The transfer function data is a very short string. If the OETF is classical (pure 1/γ\gamma power law), the string is 1/γ\gamma. If the OETF is not classical, the string is 1/~γ\gamma, where γ\gamma is the best-fit (or approximate or effective) γ\gamma to the OETF in the L1L^1-norm.
Similarly, if the EOTF is classical (pure γ\gamma power law) the string is γ\gamma, and if the EOTF is not classical the string is ~γ\gamma.
The OOTF is the quotient (to 2 decimal places) of the gammas of EOTF and OETF (either true gamma or best-fit gamma). If either gamma is best-fit then the string is preceede by a '~', which means effective.
If the TransferFunction has dimension 1, but the domain and range are not the interval [0,1], the string is '1D'. If the TransferFunction has dimension 3, the string is '3D'.
If verbosity=0, summaryRGB() returns the names of all the RGB spaces.

getRGB() returns a list with these items:

space the full and original name of the RGB space
scene a list with items primaries, whiteXYZ, RGB2XYZ, and XYZ2RGB
display a list with items primaries, whiteXYZ, RGB2XYZ, and XYZ2RGB
EOTF Electro-Optical Transfer Function
OETF Opto-Electronic Transfer Function
OOTF Opto-Optical Transfer Function, and numerically equal to OETF*EOTF

The items in the lists scene and display are

primaries 4x2 matrix with the xy chromaticities of the RGB primaries and white
whiteXYZ XYZ of the display white point, which maps to RGB=(1,1,1)
RGB2XYZ 3x3 matrix taking RGB to XYZ
XYZ2RGB 3x3 matrix taking XYZ to RGB

All transfer functions are actual TransferFunctions objects, and not the numerical exponent or character string name. They are suitable for plotting with plot.TransferFunction(); see the Examples. In case of error, getRGB() returns NULL.

getWhiteXYZ() returns a numeric 3-vector with the XYZ of the whitepoint of the scene or the display. In case of error it returns NULL.


Lindbloom, Bruce. RGB/XYZ Matrices.

See Also

installRGB(), plot.TransferFunction()


# make plot comparing three EOTFs
plot( getRGB('sRGB')$EOTF, col='black' )
plot( getRGB('BT.709')$EOTF, col='blue', add=TRUE )
plot( getRGB('ProPhotoRGB')$EOTF, col='red', add=TRUE )

Calculate Signal RGB from Linear RGB, XYZ, or Lab


Calculate signal RGB from linear RGB, XYZ, or Lab


SignalRGBfromLinearRGB( RGB, space='sRGB', which='scene', TF=NULL, maxSignal=1 )

RGBfromXYZ( XYZ, space='sRGB', which='scene', TF=NULL, maxSignal=1 ) 

RGBfromLab( Lab, space='sRGB', which='scene', TF=NULL, maxSignal=1 )



a numeric Nx3 matrix with linear RGB coordinates in the rows, or a vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row. The RGB may be outside the corresponding domain box (either scene or display), see Details.


a numeric Nx3 matrix with CIE XYZ coordinates in the rows, or a vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row. The XYZ are assumed to be viewed under the white-point of the given RGB space.


a numeric Nx3 matrix with CIE Lab coordinates in the rows, or a vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


the name of an installed RGB space. The name matching is partial and case-insensitive.


either 'scene' or 'display'. For RGBfromXYZ() which describes the input XYZ. For SignalRGBfromLinearRGB() which describes the input RGB.


if not NULL, TF is a TransferFunction that overrides the appropriate transfer function of space. TF can also be a positive number. If TF=1, then TF is set to identity.TF, so the returned RGB values are actually linear, and they are not clamped to the appropriate domain box (see Value). If TF!=1 it is used to create either power.EOTF() or power.OETF() as approriate. If TF is not NULL in SignalRGBfromLinearRGB(), then space is ignored.


maximum value of non-linear RGB. Other common values are 100, 255, 1023, 4095, and 65535. Even when 1, they are still taken to be non-linear Signal values.


In RGBfromXYZ(), the conversion is done in these steps:

  • XYZ → linear RGB using the 3x3 matrix for the given space and which

  • if TF is not the identity, the linear RGBs are clamped to [0,1]3^3 if necessary

  • linear RGB → signal RGB using SignalRGBfromLinearRGB() and all other the given arguments

In RGBfromLab(), Lab → XYZ is calculated using spacesXYZ::XYZfromLab(), with the white point (either 'scene' or 'display') of the given RGB space.


a data.frame with N rows and these columns


signal RGB. If TF is not the identity, the computed linear RGBs are clamped to [0,1]3^3 if necessary, which implies that the output signal RGBs are inside the cube [0,maxSignal]3^3. Values are not rounded.


a logical, TRUE means one or more of the computed linear RGBs were actually clamped to [0,1].

In RGBfromLab(), if a=b=0 exactly, the R=G=B exactly.

In case of error, the functions return NULL.


Wikipedia. RGB color space.

See Also

XYZfromRGB(), LinearRGBfromSignalRGB(), installRGB(), identity.TF, spacesXYZ::XYZfromLab()


RGBfromXYZ( c(80.310897,90.306510,84.613450, 100,100,100)/100, max=255 )
##       RGB.R    RGB.G    RGB.B OutOfGamut
##  1 230.1676 249.4122 225.2472      FALSE
##  2 255.0000 249.1125 244.4704       TRUE

Standard Primaries


xy Chromaticities for some standard primary sets. These include Red, Green, Blue, and White.

AP0_PRI ACES Scene-Referred Primaries, from SMPTE ST2065-1
AP1_PRI working space and rendering primaries for ACES 1.0
REC709_PRI Rec.709 (aka BT.709) primaries
REC2020_PRI Rec.2020 (aka BT.2020) primaries
P3D65_PRI RGB primaries from DCI-P3, with D65 for the whitepoint
P3D60_PRI RGB primaries from DCI-P3, with ACES whitepoint (approximately D60)
P3DCI_PRI RGB primaries from DCI-P3, with DCI whitepoint


All of these are built-in 4x2 matrices, with xy coordinates in the rows, and in RGBW order.


ST 2065-1:2012. SMPTE Standard - Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES). 2013.

SMPTE Standard RP 431-2. D-Cinema Quality - Reference Projector and Environment for the Display of DCDM in Review Rooms and Theaters. 2011.

Wikipedia. DCI-P3.

BT.709. Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and international programme exchange. June 2015.

BT.2020. Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange. October 2015.


##          x        y
##  R 0.73470  0.26530
##  G 0.00000  1.00000
##  B 0.00010 -0.07700
##  W 0.32168  0.33767

Apply TransferFunction to a Vector or an Array


The function transfer() applies the given TransferFunction to the given vector or array x and returns a numeric object of the same dimensions.


## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
transfer( TF, x, domaincheck=TRUE )



a TransferFunction object, with dimension N


a numeric vector or array. If N\ge2 then x must be an MxN matrix, or a vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.


check whether numbers or rows of x are in the domain box of TF before application


Let N := dimension(TF).
If N=1 then x can have any length or dimension; the function is applied to each number in x in a vectorized way, and the returned object is then assigned the same dimensions as x. If x is a matrix then the returned object is assigned the same rownames. If a number is NA then the returned number is also NA.
If N\ge2 and x is an MxN matrix, then the function is applied to each row of x individually and the returned object is a matrix with the same dimensions and rownames as x. If any number in a row is NA then the returned row is all NAs.
If TF is a universal identity (e.g. identity.TF), the function returns x with no checking.
In case of a global error (e.g. dimension mismatch) the function returns NULL.

See Also

TransferFunction, identity.TF

Constructing and Testing TransferFunction Objects


The function TransferFunction() is the constructor for TransferFunction objects.

is.TransferFunction() tests whether an object is a valid TransferFunction object.
as.TransferFunction() converts other variables to a TransferFunction object, and is designed to be overridden by other packages.


TransferFunction( fun, funinv, domain, range, id=NULL )


## Default S3 method:
as.TransferFunction( ... )



a function that accepts a numeric argument, and returns one of the same length. The dimension of fun is determined by the arguments domain and range. The function must be injective and this is checked if the function is univariate. The requirements for univariate and multivariate functions are very different, see Details.


a function that the inverse for fun. If fun is univariate and funinv=NULL, then an approximation for the inverse is computed using stats::splinefun(). If fun is multivariate and funinv=NULL, then it is an ERROR.


a 2xN matrix, or a numeric vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by column. In each column, the entry in row 1 must be strictly less than the entry in row 2. The columns of domain define N intervals whose product is a box in RNR^N that is the domain of fun. The box must be finite. If N=1 then the box is just an interval, and fun is univariate. Otherwise, fun is multivariate with dimension N.


a 2xN matrix, or a numeric vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by column. The N here must be equal to the N for domain. The matrix defines a box that encloses the image of domain under fun. The box must be finite.


a character string that is helpful when printing the object, and in logging messages. If id=NULL then an appropriate string is created from the function call.


an R object to test for being a valid TransferFunction object.


arguments for use in other packages.


If fun is univariate, then it must be able to accept a numeric vector of any length, and apply the function to each number in the vector; i.e. fun must be vectorized. If a number in the vector is NA, then the function must silently return NA for that number; usually this is not a problem. The function is *not* required to test whether the number is in the domain interval; this is handled by the TransferFunction code.
If fun is multivariate with dimension N, then it must be able to accept a vector of length N and return a vector of length N. It is *not* required to accept an MxN matrix. It is *not* required to test whether the vector is in the domain box.
The function funinv has the same requirements as fun.


TransferFunction() returns a TransferFunction object, or NULL in case of ERROR.

is.TransferFunction() returns TRUE or FALSE. It only checks the class, using base::inherits().

as.TransferFunction.default() issues an ERROR message and returns NULL..

See Also

dimension(), composition(), is.invertible(), metadata(), inverse(), transfer(), orientation(), validate(), print.TransferFunction(), plot.TransferFunction()


#  make a test TransferFunction

myfun = function(x) {x*x}

test  = TransferFunction( myfun, sqrt, domain=c(0,3), range=c(0,9), id='test.TF' )

#  print it
#--------------------   test.TF    ---------------------#
## test.TF is a univariate TransferFunction.
## domain:      [0,3]  (x)
## range:       [0,9]  (y)
## invertible:  Yes
## orientation: preserving
## range-test points = 1300, max(distance)=0.
## validation:  Passed

# and now plot it
plot( test )

Validate a TransferFunction by applying some simple Tests


Each TransferFunction object is actually a list of so-called elementary transfer functions; for details on this see composition(). This validate() applies an internal validate() function to each elementary function individually. The internal validate() function generates some points in the domain of the function and checks that all points are transfered into the range of the function. If the function is also invertible, it checks that the inverse transfers back to the original point.


## S3 method for class 'TransferFunction'
validate( TF, points=1300, tol=5.e-7, domain=NULL )



a TransferFunction object with dimension N, and consisting of M elementary transfer functions


the number of points to test, in each elementary function


the numerical tolerance for the inversion test - this is relative to the length of the corresponding side of the domain box


a 2xN matrix to use as an alternate domain, for the first elementary function in the list only. domain can also be a vector of length 2, which is then replicated to a 2xN matrix.


The function returns a logical vector of length M. The value of the i'th element is the validation status of the i'th elementary function. The returned vector has the attribute 'message' which is a list of length M with explanatory text. For nicely formatted text see print().

See Also

TransferFunction, identity.TF, composition(), print.TransferFunction()